Friday, March 4, 2011

It's A New Day for Business

I believe it has actually finely dawned on nearly ever senator and congressman countrywide at the federal and state level as well as every state governor and the president that they need to get business friendly as fast as they can.  It's their only hope for jobs, tax revenues, and a means to meet their debt obligations and keep their bond ratings.

It's not that all of politicians have really become pro businesses, it's just that they have so many constituents who love their pensions, health care, union benefits, and social security.  And the thought of cutting what their voters love scares the heck out of them.  The bold writing on the wall which reads, "You can't raise taxes rates to close the budget shortfall!"  Just as clear is the message that the only way they can pay for what their voters love is if the economy dramatically and rapidly advances sending employment and tax revenues way up!

With no time to lose, and may even be too late, it will be interesting to watch statehouses and the federal government racing to encourage business expansion.  Frightened politicians and desperate officials will be slashing excess regulations, granting permits, knocking down walls, and opening doors to do as much as they can to stimulate business as fast as they can, even if it makes them sick to do it.  From the FDA to the EPA, from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to the Commission on Transportation, to the Federal Communications Commission, anyone standing in the way, be they environmentalist, union leader, or regulator, will be pushed aside.  Conversely, anyone with good ideas and plans that will lead to business investment and jobs is a hero!  

Although it's a risky way to get where we need to be, the best thing to happen for business in decades is for government to have a financial crisis. It's the only thing that forces government to shrink and cut needless regulations and agencies. It's also the only way to get unions to give back. As government borrows less, businesses will be competing less with government for investment dollars.  Capital will be able to flow more to business development instead of government borrowing.  Plus, by making it easier on businesses to do business more business will be done.  It's such a simple concept.  Along the way entrepreneurial opportunities will be given life.   Yes, it's a new day for business - a brighter day is dawning.  And when it does it will bring with it a truly sustainable recovery.