Sunday, October 9, 2016

Neither Party Deserves to Hold the Presidency

Trump is a vulgar pig.  Clinton is the epitome of what is wrong with Washington and politics.  Our duopoly two-party system of politics is bankrupting America and failing the vision of our Founding Fathers.  #JohnsonandWeld have my vote.  My vote won't be wasted -- it will be used to stand for my beliefs.  Which is exactly what a vote is for.  Send a message - vote Johnson and Weld.

Getting back to Trump for a moment.  His use of foul language is a non issue to me.  The fact that he is attracted to women and even objectifies them is not uncommon for men, and is constistent with male banter. Also a non-issue -- 95% of males would be guilty of that.  What IS most disturbing is 1) the statement that it is OK to grab women.  2) the casual admission the he tried to commit adultry.  3) The way his remarks appear to suggest that these actions are commonplace and frequent behavior.

Do you think Bill Clinton said worse?  Of course he has. And he has done much worse!!  Bill isn't running for President. But Hillary has been aware of her husband's obscene behaviors, affairs, and helped to cover for him.  Her hipocracy is as offensive as Trump's!  They both are not worthy of being President by today's ethical standards.  And I emphasize "by today's ethical standard," because male politicians have been having affairs since the beginning of civilization!!  And many US President's have been known to have had affairs!

What is missed, by most, is that all of this is a carefully timed and well orchestrated distraction.  Once again, our political leadership, and the media, are shifting focus away from the important issues like entitlements, trade, regulations, debt, war, taxes, prison population, climate effects, deteriorating infrastructure, partisanship, etc.  Rather than dealing with the issues that destroying America,  they take the low road and drag the discussion into the gutter.  Both political parties are guilty of of that. And the media is all too happy to take it there because the real issues are harder for them to cover and don't get the ratings they get from topics of sex, hate, scandals, etc.  Which is one reason why I do not believe either major party should be awarded the Whitehouse.