Sunday, December 25, 2016

A New Era May Have Begun

This Christmas and Hanukkah may mark a giant moment in world history.  It may both test and prove the profound importance of the relationship of Christians and Jews, and America's Judea Christian foundation!

From the Jerusalem Post, "Obama’s obsession with the settlements, seen in bookend actions at the beginning and end of his term, made negotiating a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian issue more difficult, not easier."  To be clear, Obama, Biden, and Kerry have stabbed America's number one ally and the only democracy in the Middle East in the back.

Israel is an amazing Nation, and a light unto the world, and it WILL RISE ABOVE the USA's historic departure from long standing support for Israel by allowing the horrendous UN body to pass the recent anti-Israel Resolution. And as Israel rises, Obama's legacy will sink and be marked with everlasting shame.  The Obama Administration's despicable actions, and the obscene resolution by the UN will have the OPPOSITE effect, as Israel withdraws support for both the corrupt United Nations and efforts to achieve peace through bi-lateral negotiations. The UN is not fooling anyone who loves Israel, nor the vast majority of Americans who KNOW IT IS THE DESTRUCTION OF ISRAEL, NOT PEACE WITH IT, that so many sadly many seek.

Public opinion may greatly shift and Israeli leaders may reasonably conclude that a TWO-STATE SOLUTION IS UNACHIEVABLE. This would mark the beginning of a new Era, as Israel alters its entire strategy and objective concerning the West Bank and Gaza. I don't like to use this analogy, but for overly convenient purposes, I will.  Like Russia, which annexed Crimea, I believe there is a possibility that Israel will decide to annex the West Bank and Gaza. And when they do they will clamp down on Hammas and declare any organizations which operate for the purpose of establishing a Palestinian State on Israeli lands, as newly defined, to be illegal.

The streets will be bloody. Christians will read this as the "End of Days." Orthodox Jews and even Liberal Jews may foretell the "coming of the Messiah."  I won't go so far as to call Obama Satin, but I am sure some will, and many more will be looking around to identify him. Will some point to Trump?  No doubt there will be some who see it that way. G-D ONLY KNOWS!  (How's that for a pun, huh?)  I can say with confidence that there will be many applauding Trump, and just as many daming Obama in Israel.

But this does NOT HAVE TO BE APOCALYPTIC. About 21% of Israel's population is Arab, and about 2% is Christian. And one could make the case that they lead as good or better lives in Israel than they could elsewhere in most Middle East countries. Life is miserable for Palestinians in areas run by Fatah, formerly the Palestinian Liberation Movement, and by the US declared terrorist organization Hamas which is directly supported by Iran. There is virtually no hope for peace with children in the West Bank and Gaza being taught from birth to hate Jews and pray for the destruction of Israel. This would not stop with a Two-State solution. The best hope for peace may be the opposite.  ONE LOVE. ONE STATE. ISRAEL.