Monday, December 19, 2016

The Genius of Our Founding Fathers

Does it bother you the HRC won the popular vote, but not the election? Does that seem unfair? Consider the following justification for our Electoral proces written by Robert Gehl for the Federalist Papers Project.
True, HRC received 2.8 million more votes than Donald Trump on Election Day.And if the election was decided by the popular vote, than we would be swearing in a President Hillary Clinton.
But that’s not how it works. And – as he has said many time – if Donald Trump was campaigning for the popular vote, rather than the electoral vote, he would have campaigned much differently. Perhaps he would have spent more time in California – a state that voted overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton.
But he didn’t and Hillary’s margin of victory in that state was 4.3 million votes – or 61.5 percent. And therein lies the rub.
The purpose of the Electoral College is to prevent regional candidates from dominating national elections.
California is now a one-party state. There were zero Republicans running for statewide office and no GOP candidates in nine of California’s congressional districts. At the state level, Investor’s Business Daily reports, six districts had no Republicans for the state senate and 16 districts had no Republicans for the state assembly.
HRC was going to win California’s 55 electoral votes, so Trump didn’t campaign there.
If you take California out of the total, Donald Trump won the popular vote by 1.4 million. Also, if California voted like every other Democratic state – where Clinton’s margin of victory was 53.5 percent, the two candidates end up in a virtual
Alexander Hamilton got it right when he concieved the Electoral College. And now, sore losers, who insisted Trump should accept the election results, are not willing to do so themselves. There is a word for that. But I will leave the name calling to others who so easily call people deplorable, stupid, racist, etc. and group all Republicans and Convervatives together with the small Alt Right fraction.
Democrats need to stop looking for excuses outside their party's failures and mistakes. The Russians did not decide the election. Nor did Comey. Americans knew what they were doing. They know how corrupt Washington is, and how "pay for play" is ruining our Nation. They see how divided and discouraged our Nation became under present leadership. They can tell how failed our foreign policies, immigration policies, and over regulations are. And very soon, our Electoral College will prove, for the infinite time, how brilliant our Founding Fathers were.