Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Radical Departure From Radical Islam

What do ISIS/ISIL, Al-Qaeda, and Boko Haram all have in common?  The specific extreme Islamic belief system of Wahhabism which is centered in Saudi Arabia.  Follow Saudi money and you find one of the main sources of terror on this planet.  On the flip side is Iran with its support of terror groups like Hezbollah, Hamas, Kata'ib Hizballah, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).

Tangent: They each have their own flavor of Sharia Law, both of which oppress women! (But the founders of the Women's March don't like to talk about that!  I digress...)

Most of the terror and violence in the world is ultimately a proxy war between Saudi and Iranian clerics and oil interests. Embedded with anti-Semitic and anti-Israel hatred. The USA allied with the Saudi oil interests and Russia sided with Russian oil interests.  Billionaires like Soros, arms dealers, and others also seek influence and use their money to buy it. They perpetuate the conflict mostly financial reasons, but sometimes ideological ones as well.

The battlefield of this war has been Iraq/Iran and as of late, most conspicuously Syria. American tax payers have coughed up trillions of dollars funding this ceaseless futile conflict. Unlike Iran and Saudi Arabia, Israel is neither a theocracy or a monarchy, but rather the only Democracy in the middle east with no oil interests. Israel's interest is survival from the endless efforts of both these terror sides to destroy it.

Incoming Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Trump get it. Tillerson's oil industry experience took him to the top powers in with both sides!  He has done business in both inner circles!  Trump and Tillerson will put America, and our only true ally, Israel first. Trump and Tillerson both know what we are dealing with, AND they have the one bad ass fear no one General "Mad Dog" Mattis to back them up!

In moving our Embassy to Israel, the USA is saying "fuck all you" to the oil and extreme Islamic Clerics' interests.  We are declaring to world three things:
1. No longer dependent on Middle East for energy - eat shit OPEC
2. We stand with the only Nation in the Middle East where Christians, Jews, and any other religion can be practiced freely
3. We will no longer waste our money fighting the Saudi and Iran proxy war.

Trump  and Tillerson represent a radical departure from radical Islam. And that is why Trump said in his inaugural speech he would wipe out ISIS.  Iran already got the message with respect to the Iranian nuclear deal. And, watch how quickly they threaten to develop nuclear weapons! Gee, did you really think they meant it when they said their nuclear program was only for peaceful purposes?!!  Really ...

"Acceptance requires courage, but courage does not require acceptance."

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Bibi Grabs Victory from Defeat