Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The Oath - the Sacred Oath of Office

Trump's moment is America's moment and here is why ...

Per Article II, Section 1, the first order of business for those elected to national office, is to swear an oath to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution under which they were duly elected.

When we swear in our President, what is most important and central to the whole event, is the oath the elected individual must take to uphold OUR Constitution. THAT is what makes Trump our President. JUST as it made Obama our President.  

When people say that Trump is NOT your President you are not just disrespecting Trump, you are disrespecting the Constitution! In effect, endangering America. 

On 30 April 1789, America’s first Commander in Chief, President George Washington, took his presidential oath of office with his hand on a Bible opened to the book of Deuteronomy, Chapter 28. He ended his oath with “So help me God.” Shame on anyone, who has any faith in G-d and the Divine nature of our Founding Fathers accomplishments, if they do not say a prayer for Donald Trump when he takes the Oath to become our 45th President!  

Consider these words from President Washington's first Inaugural Speech to both Houses of Congress. “It would be peculiarly improper to omit, in this first official act, my fervent supplications to that Almighty Being who rules over the universe, who presides in the councils of nations, and whose providential aids can supply every human defect.”  Now open your mind to my next point.

To those who abhor Trump's ego, I truly believe that when Trump has quiet moments in the White House, after he has taken his sacred Oath, and when he stands before portraits of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln in the Oval office, his ego will be humbled. Pardon my next analogy, Trump's heart will grow, like the Grinch Who Stole Christmas. Which is why I ask those who hate Trump to pray for Trump and to give this man who clearly deeply loves America a chance, a period of time, 6 months or a year even, to try to make America greater.

On January 20th, the man I did NOT vote for will be MY President. And the man who I DID vote for will NOT BE my President any longer.  I am very happy about this change! And I have greater hope now than I was promised by the man leaving office.

The good thing about Obama and Trump is that between the two of them, many more people are engaged in our political process. Millions of American's have found that our leadership is listening! They may hear different things, and offer different solutions, but at least there is a dialogue!

God Bless America! And God Bless Donald Trump!

Other Points About The Oath of Office:

Link to a Conservative viewpoint on the Oath of the President

Military Oaths

The Pledge Versus the Oath