Tuesday, February 7, 2017

LIAR, LIAR, LIAR .... really?

The left and the media have a great time demonizing Trump. They especially like the "liar" meme!  Trump makes himself as easy target, you might say.  Are you being completely fair and unbiased?

For over a year on the campaign trail Trump vowed to:

  • bring back jobs to America
  • to cut regulations
  • reform taxes
  • promote school choice/charter schools
  • release an infrastructure plan
  • repeal & replace Obamacare
  • build the wall with Mexico
  • replace big trade agreements with bilateral deals
  • stand up to Iran
  • introduce "extreme vetting" of migrants
  • restart relations with Russia in order to work together to fight ISIS
  • to put pressure on NATO allies to pay their fair share
  • to appoint a Supreme Justice from a list of strict constitutionalist
  • move our Israel Embassy to Israel's capital

His claims were dismissed as campaign braggadocio, even though he would bracket most of his promises with the words "believe me".

He is now delivering what he promised. Rapidly!

In politics, to have a winner actually keep their promises to the base who put them in office, even if it means taking extreme criticism and outright hate from the political opposition, is actually pretty remarkable if you ask me.

I acknowledge that his claims about the turnout to the inauguration are not believable, whether or not he actually believes his claims. Same to be said about his stand on voter fraud.

Another valid criticism is that he is making some missteps.  For example, with the roll out the travel restrictions.  You can chalk those mistakes up to being reckless.

But you can also liken his missteps to an aggressive entrepreneurial style and his complete lack of either political or governmental experience.  If the latter is the main reason, we can expect him to learn from his mistakes.  What's key is that he has reached out to advisory groups in business, pharma, etc, and he is placing calls and having direct conversations with other national leaders. I believe this will inform and improve his strategy and decision making as we go forward.

No one on the left would ever acknowledge this, but when you put his missteps into perspective with all his kept campaign promises, he may come out as one of the more honest politicians.

(NOTE: A national media polls just release approved the American people "love" President Trump's executive orders. By an extraordinary margin of 55% to 33%, they especially love his refugee pause. The Emerson poll shows Trump is more trusted than the media. In fact, on this particular issue, he beats them by double digits.)

But here's the thing.  Ultimately, he IS our President.  Let's try to tone things down, and pray for him AND our country to succeed.  Any person in a new job, in a field they have NEVER been in before, needs some time to learn the ropes and gain the benefit of the insights that from their experiences, and even their mistakes!  Let's all be honest - wishing Trump to fail, because you hate him so much - is wishing America to fail.