Friday, September 22, 2017

My Trip To Touro Synagogue

This Rosh Hashanah my wife and I planned a trip to Touro Synagogue in Newport Rhode Island.  Touro is the oldest synagogue building in North America and the only one dating back to the colonial era.

Jews started settling in Newport in the late 1600's. Issac Touro arrived later, and the Newport building was dedidcated during Chanukah in 1763.  In August of 1790, George Washington visited Newport for a public appearance to rally support for the new Bill of Rights. As part of the welcoming ceremonies for the president, the Newport temple's President Moses Mendes Seixas, was one of the community leaders honored to address George Washington. Washington's subsequent response letter to Moses Seixas and the Temple, quoting his thoughts on religious liberties and the seperation of church and state, is a remarkable example of both our first President's and our new government's support of First Amendment Rights.  Each year Touro Synagogue holds a public reading of Washington's letter as a celebration and pronouncement of religious freedom.

This bit of history provides the context for my trip to Touro Synagogue, but not the reason I chose to do my Rosh Hashanah prayers there. I went to Touro with a particular goal and a personal question. With all the partison political strife in America today, I wanted to be in this setting for the traditional prayer that is given for the United States, and the Armed Forces of the USA and Israel.  

There were other special moments.  I was touched by Rabbi Mandel's thoughts about Sarah and Issac as they relate to the meaning of a name, and how to view laughter.  I was honored to be invited to the Rabbi's home for Rosh Hashanah dinner. During Taschlich by the ocean I was delighted to meet and speak with a special individual, named Simcha, who dreams of being a rabbi. Last but not least, hearing the Shofar sounded on Rosh Hashanah at Touro Synagogue is a quintessential Jewish American experience.

Touro Synagogue is a blessing.  Our journey to and prayers at Touro was a wonderful way to start 5778.  I hope this story inspires readers to make the trip to Newport and take in Shabbat at Touro Synagogue.  Shana Tova u’metuka!

Further explanation for my reasons for going to Touro.