Friday, March 1, 2019



This is the video shown at a recent Conservative Party Action Committee national event.  Of course it is a political message.  As you can seen it is drawing the topical battle-lines with a heavy emphasis against the Far Left Socialist side of the Democratic party with the radical stances of it's leaders, particularly those rising in popularity.

The fundamental difference boils down to the virtues of freedom and less government control versus the percieved benefits of more government control and the need to forego freedom for them.

The Left conflates "free" with "freedom." Their appeal is free health care, free college education and other ways in which government will provide you FREEdom.  The right recognizes that "free" is an illusion, and "free" removes freedom of choice and typically comes at an overall price to society that is higher than it would have been if market forces such as innovation, competition and entrepreneurship were given the freedom to operate.

... you might say that the consequences of "free" are outweighed by the benefits of "freedom."

Government has a role to play in either the Left's or the Right's model.  The way that role is defined is essentially what the fight between the Left side of the Democratic party and the Right side of the Republican party is all about.

The centrist or moderate perspective is to work together in order to find a workable compromise.  In simplest terms, the difference between the "far sides" and moderate Centrist is played out through  debate rather than a dialogue. The far sides seeks a win-lose outcome.  Moderate Centrist seek a win-win outcome.

In order to have a dialogue and a win-win outcome, both sides have to build trust and respect and let go of resentment and bitterness. The media loves a good fight!  And so they actively stir the pot and inflame feelings. And so do nearly all political ads.

Politics is a war of ideas but it is fought using the weapon of emotion, with fear being one of the most suitable.  Fear triggers and brings out reactions of anger and hostility.  Fear sells newspapers, or these days clicks. The media is as guilty as politicians, if not more so, of exploiting fear.

This is NOT to say that either side doesn't have legitimate fears.  But the paths to resolution could not be more different between an approach of respectful dialogue and debate!

The farther both political Parties move to their respective outer side, the more acrimonious the climate in this country will get.  It is difficult to say where that leads to. But one thing for sure, that is a more stressful and painful path.