Sunday, April 28, 2019



Anyone can read the Bible or the Prophets. Anyone can see analogies between scripture and modern times.  I am just anyone.

Nahum was one of the 12 Prophets. He lived and prophesied after Jonah, another of the 12. Nahum foresaw the tremendous fall of Nineveh and the torturous Assyrians.

In The Story of Jonah, which proceeds the prophecy of Nahum, Jonah was loath to rescue the Assyrian people of Nineveh by warning them of G-d's proclaimed judgment and their impending doom for their evil ways. Jonah feared that G-d would forgive the Assyrians; and later they would return to their true evil ways, and ravage Israel. They ultimately did.

I propose an analogy to their prophecies and modern Washington DC.  First, here are the connections to the verses below from the Book of Nahum.

Nineveh is what Trump calls the Washington DC swamp.  Trump is the "horseman" and Hillary Clinton is the "harlot." The "families" are the powerful Clinton political dynasty and the Obama and Deep State conspirators. They will all be "slain" and "stumbling over their bodies" as Nahum prophesied.

Here are the versus from Chapter III of the Prophecy of Nahum to which I am referring: 

"1 Woe to the city of blood; it is all lies, full of robbery; the prey departs not.

2 The sound of the scourge..and the sound of the noise of the wheels and the galloping horses and the bounding chariots.

3 The horseman raises himself and the blade of the sword and the burnished spear and the many slain-yea, the heaps of corpses. There is no end to the bodies, and they shall stumble over their bodies.

4 Because of the many harlotries of the harlot, charming and enchanting, who delivers nations with her harlotries, and families with her enchantments.

5 Behold! I am against you, says the Lord of Hosts, and I will uncover your skirts upon your face-and I will show the nations your nakedness, and the kingdoms your shame.

6 And I will cast detestable things upon you and make you vile, and I will make you like dung.

7 And it shall come to pass that whoever sees you shall wander away from you, and he shall say, "Nineveh has been plundered." Who will console her? Whence shall I seek comforters for you?"

The question is why? Even if one thought my analogy was plausible, let alone sane, it raises critical questions; Why would G-d raze the Clinton's and the Deep State? Is G-d trying to teach the Left a lesson?  Is G-d a deplorable? LOL, that's absurd.  Is G-d doing it for America's sake?

Perhaps G-d is doing it for America's sake because America is for Israel's sake.

Book of Nahum, Chapter II, V3.
"For the Lord has restored the pride of Jacob as the pride of Israel, for the emptiers have emptied them out and destroyed their branches."

There is a larger context to this.  That context is both scriptural and historical.  Here is that as succinctly as I can make it.

The conquerors of ancient Israel, including the Assyrians, drove the Twelve Tribes of the out of Israel. A long tempest scattered the Jews around the word.  Many found harbor in Europe, but the storm came ashore and reached deep inland: Sending Jews to new and old homes. Half of them went to their eternal home.

A good sum found safe harbor and made a home in America. For those Jews, it may have seemed as though our Exodus was over; we had finally found Liberty; and the land flowed with the milk & honey which prosperity brings.

Before the Messiah comes, the 12 Tribes will return and The Temple will re-appear.  Israel will be united.  Israel's and the Jewish people's greatest strength is found in Unity with one another and G-d's Torah.

The Land (Eretz) Israel, Northern and Southern Israel, Samaria, Judea, Jerusalem and all of Israel may be about to be unified for the first time since the Kingdom of David.  Even the Golan, which was once home to the biblical city of “Golan in Bashan,” (Deuteronomy 4:43, Joshua 21:27), an area that was assigned to the tribe of Manasseh (Joshua 13:29-31), has been united with the Land, returned after a dispute with Syria that is as old as the days of the Maccabees.

Israel's unification is coming just as anti-Semitism, as recently the Last Day of Passover this year, is driving the diaspora of Jews home - to Israel.

I know it seems preposterous that a man with such character flaws as Trump could be playing a role, however, even the Great King David sinned and possessed major flaws.  But G-d worked through David despite his imperfections.  Is America not a great Nation too?

America made a modern Israel possible. And America protected the Jews for nearly 300 years and Israel for 70 years.  But G-d isn't done. Israel is not unified. The Tribes are still coming home.

Evil forces conspired to strengthen Israel's enemy Iran. And when Trump stepped forward to challenge Israel's giant enemy, evil forces conspired to defeat Trump.

Like David, Trump stood up to fight the great and powerful Goliath, against seemingly insurmountable odds.

I believe G-d is blessing and protecting  Trump because Trump is blessing Israel. And G-d is cursing those who cursed Israel.

Iran, Obama and many in the United Nations cursed Israel. But those evil forces failed to calculate the Covenant G-d made with Israel. Those evil forces are no match for the strength of G-d's shield.  The Swamp is recieving judgment.

Nineveh was a great City; 3 days walk across. Such is the swamp of Washington D.C.  The Assyrians were powerful, ruthless and lustful. Such are the Clinton's.

Nineveh did fall.  And if my analogy holds, so will those evil forces who sought to overthrow the man who blessed Israel.


P.S. There is a connection between this post and the message in my post about an experience this Passover.