Wednesday, April 17, 2019


In Victor Hugo's 1830 classic book, a.k.a. The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Hugo regarded its architects as poets who had liberated man's spirit.

Much of that spirit, and those generations of religiosity, have passed.  The flames released into smoke the spirit that the architects and artisans captured in the wooden roof and spires of Notre Dame.

But there is still a frame and the magnificent Rose Window remaining. Just as encouraging is the outpouring of support to rebuild Notre Dame. 

Much will be asked, said and written about the symbolism and meaning of Notre Dame in the context of an essentially Godless France. 

In the age of multiculturalism, the burning collapse of Notre Dame is the catalyst for a great soul searching process in Europe. It seems almost as though G-d is testing Europe.  Fascinating to watch whether and what rises from the ashes of Notre Dame.

A building, even Notre Dame can be restored.  Resorting Christianity is a greater challenge. Can the former be restored without the later? I suppose it can.  France would have back the architectural tourist attraction and symbolism of an age that has passed.  But will it be living Cathedral or a museum?  Or will Christianity be reborn somehow to repair the damaged hearts caused by so much scandal in the Catholic Church? 

Perhaps in some ironic way, the burning of Notre Dame was needed to awaken Europe.  It all remains to be seen. And we may all be long dead before these questions are answered.