Saturday, July 6, 2019



Trump's D-DAY speech garnered accolades worldwide. His State of the Union speech was widely praised. He has made impressive presentations before the United Nations. But his recent Independence Day speech may be his best yet.

Trump inspired, moved us emotionally, saluted heroes, recalled great moments and people in history, unified, and paid tribute.  There wasn't a partisan point made.

One proof of the quality of his July 4th speech is that both CNN and the Washington Post, two of the most Leftist Partisan media sources, allowed positive articles about it.

Of course Trump haters will always find something to harp on. They had to seize on an honest mistake in order to find fault with his Independence Day speech. In doing so it is they who look small, closed minded and hyper negative. 

Trump is defying his critics.  And not just in his big speeches. His entire presidency thus far could be described as one that defied the predictions by his opponents:
  • It began at the beginning with him winning the Primary and the election. Trump proved the experts, the polls and especially the media all terribly wrong.
  • They said the stock market and the economy would crash, instead it boomed to record levels.
  • They said he was terrible to women, yet he is the first President to have a female campaign manager and has more women in high levels of his Administration than any past President.
  • They said he would get us into war but he has delivered peace.
  • They said he couldn't bring back manufacturing, but it's back biggly.
  • They said he was a racist. Instead he has been the motivation for the #BLEXIT movement which is drawing more and more Blacks away from the Democratic party. 
  • They said he was Putin's lackey but he has been tougher on Russia than any President.
  • They said he would destroy the climate but America's performance on greenhouse emission reductions surpassed every nation.
  • They said he colluded with Russia but Mueller and collection of 18 angry Democrats spent 2+years and $30 million of taxpayers' money to conclude there was NO collusion.

Trump supporters describe his overall performance very succinctly with this now famous meme, "Promises made, promises kept."  Trump has kept more campaign promises than any President. And he made very big promises.

BY FAR MY PERSONAL FAVORITE promise kept is also the most preposterous promise ever made by a politician.  It must be the most outrageous and far fetched promise EVER made by a Presidential candidate. During his campaign rallies Trump would say that "There is going to be so much winning that you are going to get tired of all the winning and you we will say please stop the winning, we can't handle all the winning."  Who makes a wild political promise like that and then keeps it??!! Only one man ever - Donald J. Trump.

BUT TRUMP'S INDEPENDENCE DAY SPEECH DID WAY MORE THAN DEFY HIS CRITICS. It was the quintessential culminating moment in his Presidency thus far! 

We have never seen any Presidential speech like this in our lifetime!  Trump literally used F35's, B2 Stealth Bombers and other modern military aircraft as props in his speech.  He showed off our rebuilt military that Trump is so proud of.  Trump demonstrated America's strength which he repeatedly speaks of.

Each military aircraft formation was perfectly timed along with the band playing that branch's anthem to show up in the sky above up at precise moments in Trump's speech.  This was a powerful subliminal way to say Trump was in charge of every flier - dozens of pilots pilots following, as it were, Trump's orders.  While Trump was obviously saluting the Armed Forces, the Forces were in effect showing their dedication to America.  But the entire glorious spectacle sent a phenomenally powerful yet subliminal message that Trump is the Commander In Chief. 

Trump's Independence speech didn't just defy the critics and turn out to be a unifying and widely praised speech. Though that would have been enough. (Dayenu.)  His speech is possibly THE MOST PARADOXICAL MOMENT IN POLITICAL ORATORY HISTORY.

Trump did something truly brilliant with his July 4th speech which is being lost on almost everyone.

Trump's NON-PARTISAN historic Independence Day speech and celebration that he conceived and pushed for ACHIEVED HIS STATED PRIMARY POLITICAL OBJECTIVE EXPRESSED BY HIS CAMPAIGN SLOGAN.  Trump's speech did what he ran his entire Presidential campaign based on. In a profoundly paradoxical sense Trump's NON-POLITICAL speech defined his Presidency by fulfilling his ULTIMATE campaign promise to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.