Monday, August 19, 2019


All through the Presidental campaign the massive crowds at Trump rallies would chant "Lock her up."  But once Trump won and took office he turned the other cheek and seemed willing to move on without seeking vengeance for the good of the country. But the Clinton's and the Deep State were determined to pursue "Plan B."

Not since the first conspiracy to kill George Washington in order to stop the American Revolution have we had a case of crimes against America that were so high.

The biggest question in American political history is about to be answered. Let me explain.

The attacks against Trump by the Left, including the media, are as loud and angry as ever. They are fueled by evil forces. Those evil forces are scared because the crimes under investigations are about to be prosecuted.

During the Presidential campaign, when candidate Trump said he was being "spied on." The reaction in the media and by many others was that he was crazy.

Today, it is accepted that Trump was correct. AG Barr said during Congressional testimony.  "There was spying." That is a watershed moment which changed the paradigm.

Trump has been going on repeatedly for YEARS against Hillary, the DNC and others for pursuing a "witch hunt" while ignoring "real Russian collusion" via the fake Steel dossier that was constructed with Russian supplied false accusations.

The Media ignored those accusations too. They treated Trump's accusations as more crazy talk. They mocked him mercilessly. That is until the Mueller investigation and report proved Trump correct again. The Mueller investigation found no Collusion by Trump with Russia in order to effect the Presidential campaign.

AG Barr has made it his mission to get to the bottom of how the Mueller investigation even began. By the time he is through we will know whether the FISA court process was abused by Comey who sought permission to spy on American citizens.

Trump provided AG Barr access to classified documents to help his investigation. Trump ordered that EVERYTHING Barr needed be available. The FBI, CIA and other Federal Agencies were ordered by Barr to fully cooperate with investigations.

As a result of tireless efforts by Judicial Watch, Rep. Nunes when he headed the House Judiciary  Committee and others, signficant evidence which supports Trump's claims has surfaced since the Mueller investigation wrapped up.

AG Barr appointed a tough and tested US Attorney, John Dunham to help him and the Inspector General Horowitz with investigations. These investigations can lead to prosecutions, whereas Congress does not have judicial powers.

While we wait for Barr and Dunham to reveal their findings, deeply damming evidence surfaces nearly weekly.  The legality of the entire dossier and FISA Court applications are called into question.

No Collusion is one thing but a hoax is another.  The stakes are much higher.

For nearly a year Trump has said what happened to him was conspiracy to commit "sedition," possibly even the higher crime of treason if Russia was involved directly with USA persons.

The Left and mainstream media continue to ignore the seriousness of Trump's accusations. 

In addition to saying there was spying, AG Barr said during his congressional testimony that the crucial question that he needed to get the answer to is this: "Was the spying predicated."

There is an equally serious question which AG Barr, US Attorney Dunham and Senator Lindsey Graham are going to answer soon. It is the biggest question in American political history:

Was there a plot to spy on the Trump campaign by Hillary Clinton the DNC, aided by the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA and Obama Administration in order to stop candidate Trump and remove President Trump?  (The infamous "Plan B.")

If the answer to this questions is "yes," it is fair to say the following:

1. This represents the greatest crimes against America in history.

2. The mainstream media and even Democrats in Congress were complicit by ignoring this story. By doing so they allowed it to happen.

3. As President Trump has repeatedly said, "We must never allow this to happen to another President EVER AGAIN."

4. If and when AG Barr holds a press conference to disclose the findings of the findings of his active investigations, Barr reveals that indictments for such crimes are being unsealed, the revelations will be BOMBSHELLS THAT WILL ROCK THE WORLD.

Maybe that day I won't need to say . . .