Thursday, October 24, 2019



Ocasio-Cortez: "We need an, uh, uh, a United States that really, truly, and authentically, is operated, owned, and decided by ... all people in the United States of America"

AOC is essentially describing and promoting the core beliefs of communism.  The revolution AOC seeks is very much like the Communist revolution. Both aim to put the working class in power and in turn establish social ownership of the means of production. 

Given that intersectionality is so pervasive on the Left you wouldn't think that Bernie Sanders, a near 80 yr old white cis-male would be her favorite.  But it makes sense. Because AOC's primary political philosophy is communism. Bernie has praised Communist leaders and spent his entire career in politics promoting Socialism.

AOC is a classic case of ignorance and misguided thinking.  She is the product of a ruined educational system that has been saturated with radical Leftist ideology and then has exploited it's position to spread narrow beliefs through a captive body of students whose minds are vulnerable to brainwashing. The system has blocked Conservative views and silenced Conservative voices. The descent is not allowed to represent in the environments where opinions like AOC are being formed and hardened.

Many like AOC and her teachers have no belief in God. They have substituted Government and the ways of Man.  For them, morality is derived from government. Their philosophy is the antithesis of the vision of our Founding Fathers who believed America trusted in God.

Whereas AOC puts her faith in the Central Government, our Founders distrusted government so much so that they risked their lives, property and legacy to give us LIBERTY.  Then, having secured it, in order to preserve it they formed a more perfect union. They brilliantly codified their "great experiment" by fashioning our 3 separate branch system of governance and our US Constitution.

At the very core of what our Founders sought to do was to PROTECT the People from the Government - and from fools like AOC and Bernie who would throw it all away!

George Washington warned future Americans of times like these in his Farewell Letter.

Like Moses who knew he would not be able to see the Promised Land, Washington knew he would not see this day himself.
Like Moses who was warned by God that the people would transgress, Washington was divinely inspired to warn the people.
Like Moses who wrote down a Song for the Israelites to bring them back to the Torah and the ways of God, Washington wrote a letter to bring Americans back to the Constitution and back to a moral code that is rooted in the belief of God.

We have gone down the very mistaken path that Washington foresaw nearly a quarter millennium ago. We are the "Divided House" that the Bible and Lincoln warned of.

Like Moses, George Washington showed us the way back.  With God's approval we shall find it!