Thursday, January 2, 2020



Today an amazing moment happened and it wasn't New Year's.

It started on the first day of Rosh Hashanah approximately 97 years ago, in the Hebrew year 5684.  Which "happened" to fall on 9.11 (1923).

On 0101■2020 92,000 Jewish people filled the seats at MetLife for this year's event, 20,000 others gathered in Barclays Center in Brooklyn, along with thousands more at satellite locations across the U.S. and Israel to celebrate the SIYUM HASHAS.

Before continuing with my blog post please take just a moment to watch this video which explains the Siyum HaShas.

Siyum HaShas celebrates completion of the study of the Talmud, which is said to be among the most challenging religious texts in the world. It is a daily regimen of learning that takes seven-and-a-half years to complete studying with one page read per day.

The Talmud is comprised of 2,711 densely written double-sides pages. Each called a Daf Yomi (דף יומי) "page of the day" or "daily folio."

This 0101■2020 Siyum HaShas marked the completion of the 13th cycle! 

13 is a very significant number in Judaism.  It is also the 13th letter in Hebrew alphabet -- the letter Mem
Moses or Moshe משה begins with the letter mem. So does Messiah or Mashiach in Hebrew.

The gematria (numeric value and meaning) of mem is forty. Forty is the number of days it rained upon the earth during the Flood. Forty is also the num­ber of days Moses spent on Mount Sinai. Moses actually ascended the mountain three separate times. The first forty-day sojourn took place when he received the Torah. 

Mem, 13, is the age when a Jewish boy "comes of age" - he has become a Bar Mitzvah. He is also recognized as having the same rights and responsibilities as an adult. As such, he is obligated to observe the commandments. A girl is Bat Mitzvah at age 12.)

The Maimonides states that the number 13 represents the number of principles of Jewish faith .

In addition, the foundations of Judaism  are based on the original 13 Tribes of Israel: the 11 sons of Jacob and the 2 sons of Joseph.

According to the Talmud, the core of the Selichot (Supplication) prayers (Jewish penitential prayers and poems for forgiveness) is the 13 Attributes of Mercy that G-d taught Moses .

So today, on New Year's Day (the 4th day in the Hebrew month of TEVET in the year 5780), marking the completion of the 13th cycle of Talmud study, Jews around the world prayed for the Messiah.

I do not know what will happen tomorrow. All I know is that today, 0101■2020, a coincidence didn't happen.


WHAT IF .... click here.

P.S. Unfortunately, I have not studied Talmud. I am still working on the Bible. God willing I will live long enough to finish one cycle of studying the Talmud.