Thursday, February 20, 2020


(Note: Things have shifted around quite a bit since I last sized up the Democratic field in September last year.)

Does anyone know what the Democratic Party stands for?  I think do. And I think it explains why Sanders is the frontrunner.

Franklin Roosevelt's policies represented a jump to the Left in America. The Vietnam War and the anti-war countercultural movement pushed America much further to the Left.  If Sanders was to be elected, and he won't be in my opinion, Bernie Sanders would be a giant leap to Left. Bernie wouldn't be a "D"emocrat in the White House!

Bernie calls his followers a movement.  It's NO movement -- it's a Revolution. Underneath the hood of his "movement" is a Communist Revolution and his "Bernie Bros" are Revolutionaries.
Little "c"ommunist leads to big "C"ommunist. Father Sanders (Crazy Bernie) would lead the way. 
Bernie Sanders is the worst possible candidate in the United States for President!  The DNC knew it last time, so they rigged the Primary. The DNC knows it this time too. They are scared as hell that Sanders is leading at this late stage so they let Bloomberg buy his way onto the debate stage in the 9th hour.

Like 2016, the Republicans couldn't throw anything at Trump to defeat him in the Primary because of one thing. That one thing is that MORE than ANYTHING Americans want to DRAIN THE SWAMP.  Any the only candidate the Republican voters believed had a chance is Trump.

So it is with Sanders.  His supporters view him as the only one who can change Washington. The problem is that the change Sanders represents is the LAST thing America truly wants! Sanders would change America in all the wrong WAYS.

America needs to clean up Washington. America needs less poverty. America needs better health care and education.  America needs many things!  But NOT the Sanders's WAY!

Socialism/Communism purports to solve these problems and to make things more fair. In reality, in practice it makes all those things much worse!
Utopia IS a place that DOESN'T exist.
So why is Sanders the frontrunner?  It makes perfect sense. The reason is as obvious as the nose on one's face.

The reason Bernie Sanders is the frontrunner and the answer to what is the Democratic platform are totally related.

For the last three years the Democrats and the media have whipped up anger and hate for Donald Trump. Impeachment has been the Democratic mantra for more than three years!
The Democratic Party platform is the "Anger and Hate for Trump."
Democratic leadership -- leadership in the House, the Senate, the Intelligence Committee, the Judiciary Committee, the Banking and Finance Committee and Hillary have pressed that message for three long years.

For three years the mainstream media drove the message of anger and hate for Trump into the hearts and minds of millions of their most motivated voters.

That anger and hate extends to everything Trump represents and everyone who supports him.  Trump haters will support ANYONE who is Trump's enemy.

Democrats LOATHED Republicans John Cain and Mitt Romney until they hated Trump.  Watch Democrats suddenly fall in love with NRA spokesman Clint Eastwood since he just denounced Trump and came out in support of Bloomberg.

The Democratic hate for Trump has no boundaries. It pumped up the sleazy porn lawyer Avenati and considered that total scumbag for President for one reason - BECAUSE he hated Trump so visibly. 
There are literally dozens of examples of abhorrent acts of social behavior that are considered acceptable and he even applaud because they feed into the TDS narrative. 
Democratic Trump haters won't even directly censure outright anti-Semites Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib because they are rabid Ttump haters.

Democrats, especially on mainstream media and in Hollywood even believed Jessy Smollett's preposterous story because it fit the hate Trump narrative. It is no coincidence that Hollywood (Hate Central) chose Robert Di Nero, the poster boy for Trump hate for the "lifetime achiever" award.  And chances are quite high that Alex Baldwin will make an appearance on SNL this Saturday to remind Democrats about what really matters in this 2020 election!

The Democratic Party and the mainstream media made Sanders the frontrunner.  He is riding the wave of anger and hate they created:
  • Trump's appreciation for capitalism is answered by Sanders disgust for it.
  • Trump's respect for the 2nd Amendment is met by Sanders's disdain for it.
  • Trump's support for Israel is met by Sanders support for Hamas and BDS.
  • Trump's Patriotism and Pride as Commander in Chief is met by Sanders adoration for Colin Kaepernick.
  • Trump's love for America is answered by Sanders contempt for it.
  • The popular support for Trump is met by Democratic voter's popular support for Sanders.
So far every Democratic Primary debate has turned into a circular firing squad which gives the night to Trump.  There is no apparent platform, and the candidates clearly don't agree on one.  Except for the most obvious platform.

The Democrats have had one singular message and platform for over three years. The Democratic frontrunner candidate is the one who MOST RESEMBLES THE ANGER AND HATE FOR DONALD TRUMP AND ALL HE STANDS FOR AND ALL WHO STAND FOR HIM. 

Bernie Sanders is an octogenarian Socialist who has lived off the taxpayers for over 40 years. He is a lifelong politician with the most unsuccessful legislative record to show for it. He is an annoyance to his colleagues in the Senate where none of them took him seriously. By all rights he as no right to be the frontrunner. But none of that seems to matter because he fits the image which the Democratic Party and the mainstream media have planted in the heads of so many millions of Americans.  Such is the power of propaganda!  If it can get Hitler elected, it can surely give Bernie Sanders the Democratic nomination.

The Democratic Party and the Leftist media made their bed and now they have to sleep in it.

There is however one other thing which Bernie Sanders represents and that causes his supporters to gravitate to him.  I agree with him on it.  People are TOTALLY feed with the Washington establishment, the Washington elite and the SWAMP, in both BOTH PARTIES!

The problem for Sanders is that as the Presidential election comes around the majority of voters will realize that Sanders IS the Washington Establishment, only worse!  He's both a lifetime Washington politician AND he has the worst solutions.

IN CONCLUSION: Trump is the true outsider who was sent Washington to DRAIN THE SWAMP! 

For over 30 years everyone from Oprah Winfrey to Rona Barett has encouraged Donald Trump to run for President because he was a smart and powerful outsider. He has also been articulating practically the same message for nearly three decades.
The one other thing will be the SAME reason Trump's going to be elected for 4 MORE YEARS -- TO DRAIN THE SWAMP.