Tuesday, February 18, 2020


03■09 to 3■10 are the dates for Purim in ■2020■.
  • 2 - The number 3 biblically represents divine wholeness, completeness and perfection.
  • 9 - is associated with truth. The Biblical numerology of number 9 is the finality or the judgement. It is generally when at the time of judging a person and his works. Also, number 9 is used to define the perfect movement of God. The biblical number 9 is [also] a number of patience.
  • 10 (Yod) - The Word for the Number Ten in Hebrew. ... The Hebrew character or letter that equals ten is a Yud and looks like this: י, it is the smallest Hebrew letter. The symbolical meaning of the Yud is God's Hand, meaning how God's Hand works or interacts in our lives.
  • 2 and 20 are also very significant!.
The meaning and power of 10.
Purim is coming up. This is the festival Jews celebrate jubilantly the DESTRUCTION of Haman. We blot out his family name together as we are commanded to retell the Book of Esther!

Haman had hatred in his heart for the Jews. And he nurtured his grudge into a plot to destroy them. But with her brother Mordechai, the good Queen Ester revealed the truth and Haman's plot to King Achashverosh of Persia. (~300 b.c.) The King allowed the Jews to arm themselves and they defeated their enemies.

Today's conspirators acted like Haman. They took hate into their heart and nurtured their grudge over Trump winning the election.

But God will not allow a Nation founded upon his values and in trust to him, one that blesses and protects the Nation of Israel, to be overthrown by evil doers.
The cunning evil forces tried also to break America's support for Israel to weaken our Nation and remove our blessing. But they were rebuked!
Since Trump was elected and glorified God by declaring Jerusalem Israel's eternal Capital, God has been playing with the haters egos and it is hardening their hearts. America is winning more than it has in 50 years. Trump has had success after success.

The haters' hearts are as hardened as they can be. Each truly believes . . .
  • Hillary thinks she won.
  • Pelosi thinks Trump was not acquitted.
  • Biden thinks he is off the hook.
  • Sanders think he's the right leader for America.
  • Schiff and Nadler still think Trump colluded with Russia.
  • Romney thinks he is righteous. 

The stage is set for the Book of Esther.  In the days of Haman, descendant of Agag, the king of the Amalekites, his plans were spoiled and his days were numbered.
Haman and his family of conspiring traitors were brought to justice.

As King Saul and David destroyed the Amelekites, The General of Justice in America will use the fiery sword of justice to cut through the Deep State. Like Haman and his sons, Brennan, Clapper, Comey and many others will be lead to the gallows.
Since 01■01■2020 the tables have turned on the conspirators!
Once their crimes are exposed Americans can rejoice and celebrate, for a time. But the time will be brief. The 2020 election will come. And Trump will win mightily!

Coming events will ensure that Trump wins 4 more years. 

The haters didn't accept the last election. Their hardened hearts believed that Haman's plot would succeed. They took comfort in their belief that Trump would be removed before his term was over, in effect validating their vote and their ego.

When Trump wins the 2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION  and the haters must face the reality of 4 more years with Trump, their hate will rise to a higher level - RAGE. They will take their pitched anger and aggression out on God's believers, the faithful and supporters of this great Nation.

People in a state of rage don't think rationally. They are truly dangerous. Chaos and violence will ensure. Bernie Bro's and Antifa fascists will go literally crazy.  The country will have to use police force on it's people. 

4 is the door.

The number 4 is meaningful.  4 opens the door to the Rise of Rage. The haters hearts will explode at the thought of 4 more years. (Follow my link for an explanation on that.)

The door will release the rage but through the door will come the Lord. Who will be the Judah?  We shall all behold in due time. Be patient and stay calm.

For believers in Yeshua, it is interesting to know that Dalet, 4, has special meaning too.