Sunday, March 29, 2020


COVID-19 is to the world a bit like cancer is to an individual family. 

If you have ever been through a health crisis, such as a serious cancer, you may be noticing some similarities to being locked down for COVID-19.  

With cancer, because of the effects of chemo one has to wash their hands and be far more careful about exposure to germs.  There are periods of time when your shut in. 

I remember when we went through Mary's cancer. The cancer was a curse but it was also a blessing in a strange sense too.  Of course there is the fear of the unknown. Concerns about survival. Questions about the future. But there was a bright side. Always look at the bright side! 

Human beings respond in certain basic ways to a crisis. 

Some with fear, anger, hate and blame. Others positively resetting their lives and seeking constructive ways to use their time at home. Generally speaking, all & all, adversity changes us for the better.

The breast surgeon said to Mary and me that it was going to be a very long year and to take it a day at a time.  Patience is key at times. 

That was a long year. Much longer than the "lockdown" we have now with COVID-19. But I notice now some similar aspects to the psychology of coping.

Here is little lady Charlotte sanding with my son Alex who is making shelves. Alex is also a major gardener. Covid-19 has given him time to get ahead. Whereas I went the route of flowers and trees, Alex went the root of vegetables. (Pun intended if you caught my spelling mistake.) 

I love what I see people doing in response to the virus crisis. I see people bonding every which way. Last night during a virtual Havdala service, I played "Rock, Scissors, Paper" with Rabbi Victor and friends from Temple Beth-El. Families are cooking a dinner together. Folks are doing household projects. Some are taking hikes. What a great time to go fishing or read poetry. 

With cancer, even though we had loving support, we pretty much had to go through it ourselves.  While our world turned upside down, everyone else's world was the same. 

Whereas with Covid-19, the entire world is upside down together. We are in it together. We are being brought together. 

With cancer and the chemo one can lose the taste of food, but gain an appreciation for the taste of life.