Tuesday, January 5, 2021


This is the time . . . this is the moment.
There are upwards of 70 million Americans, at least 140 sitting and incoming members of the House of Representatives, along with a growing list of Senators that are all challenging the Electoral College results in the USA swing states. 

On Wednesday I will be present in Washington D.C. to show my support for the sanctity of our Constitution.  Making the time, effort and investment to be here is my way of standing up for the importance of collecting and tabulating votes in a way that ALL Americans can have a high level of confidence are legal and in keeping with our Constitution. CLEARLY we do not have this today.  


Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: 

Governor's, Secretary's of State and Courts have changed procedures in states without the direction of State Legislatures.  As a result, swing state Legislatures have submitted alternate Electoral votes.
We have a mess on our hands. It is a mess of our own making. This is not a mess of President Trump's making. To the contrary! It is a mess that the President, the Attorney General, and numerous credible experts started to warn us of a year ago. Since then, even more dramatic changes were made to election procedures.
These changes opened up our election to unacceptable errors, disruption and corruption.  Seeing this, State Legislatures, our Congressional Representatives and private citizens are speaking up. 
I believe the protestors are on the right side of history. Regardless of the outcome of the election, nothing could be more democratic, Constitutionally correct and patriotic than to express one's political objection by peacefully assembling in our Nation's Capital to protest.  

If there ever was a time to go to Washington D.C. to protest I believe this is it. Watching history on TV or the Internet didn't feel sufficient. I felt an obligation to make a contribution to history in a way that cannot be done through social media and blogging, even as I do.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke

I brought my Stars & Stripes with me to D.C.  The FLAG represents the spirit of every soldier who has served our Nation and dedicated their life to the sacred value of our vote.  I don't need to be with anyone else.  

As I stand in a place designated by the National Parks Service for legal protest there is nothing I need to hear, that I haven't already heard or read. There is nothing I need to say.  For me, it is a matter of being present in the moment. It is about being part of history.