Monday, July 5, 2021


Washington's Army's spirits reached a low point during the harsh winter of 1777-78 at Valley Forge.

Washington's army had spent the summer of 1777 fighting a string of losing battles. The British General Howe's Army occupied Philadelphia while Washington's troops were forced to march tired, beaten, hungry and sick to VALLEY FORGE about 20 freezing miles northwest of British-occupied Philadelphia. Their frostbiten feet left a trail of blood in the snow.

At Valley Forge, there were shortages of everything and the men were sick from disease, hunger, and exposure. Washington described his men as starving, naked and freezing. 

Local farmers were hoarding much-needed food waiting to earn higher profits in the spring. Some farmers even sneaked grain into Philadelphia to feed the British army, who paid in gold or silver.

With each passing night came more desertions. Washington grew privately disgusted and discouraged.

Terms of enlistment were ending for many soldiers in Washington's army. The General wondered if he would even have an army left when the spring thaw finally arrived.

The General's leadership was being questioned by some in Congress and even some of his own Officers. 

How could Washington and his army endure?  

Answer: General George Washington took a knee. And his prayers were answered. 

Fast forward 244 years.  What's the problem with America today? 

President George Washington answered that question. He wrote us a Farewell Letter when he retired as President warning about the problems he foresaw. 

No human being has more invested in America!  The least we can do is try to understand our Founding Father's message. 

Read more.