Thursday, November 18, 2021


Below is content that Facebook would not let me write this copy/text on a post. They say it goes against "Community Guidelines." 

Saule Omovaro, Biden's pick for Comptroller of the currency was born in the West Kazakhstan Region of the Soviet Union (now Kazakhstan). She got her Bachelors at Moscow State University. Her ties to Russia don't end their.

She is a Senior Berggruen Fellow at the Berggruen Institute. Check this out -

Saule has openly advocated for:
  • Central planning of monetary policy and the elimination of private banks.
  • Policy which leads to bankruptcy of the USA oil & gas industry. (Which obviously benefits Russia.)
  • Forcing radical leftist policies onto private corporation boards.
Biden is a puppet of the Radical Left that seeks to destruct America's fundamental foundational vision and values and "build back" America under a new, so called "better," One World Order Globalist vision.

The global elite who meet secretly to plot ways to take control and reset this nation want a central-control model under which all our faith is given to government.
National Sovereignty is surrendered. God is subordinated and those who don't bow down are villafied.

Under the stated future plans of the Global One World Order, individuals will "rent" rather than "own." Private property is increasingly either eliminated or controlled by central planners. Luxury and private wealth are centralized as well - they are the rewards for the elite at the top of party and their loyalist. Propagandists in the media are thrown enough bones to buy their pens. Through the media, academics and celebrities who are all paid handsomely with the notoriety their ego needs and the lifestyle perks their hearts desire, the true power players possess all the cultural tools they need to control the minds of we the sheep.

Individual Liberty is lost. To achieve this plan to the fullest requires an economic collapse. The "Great Recession" was just a taste of what is too come. The next time the Central Banks bail out the economy they will take over and retain the means to control enterprise. Capitalism will be dead. Entrepreneurs will have to operate under the authority of the State.

Key to their plans is the money supply and controlling how we "buy or sell." That is why the appointment of Saule Omovaro is such an important appointment. That is why she so closely fits their requirements.

Check out the following articles about Saule.

Black Swan Potential
Saule Omovaro, Biden's nomination for Comptroller,  worries about private currencies. Trump voiced similar concerns.

Omarova says she favors a central bank digital currency (CBDC) over privately issued stablecoins because it’s issued by the government and will ensure access for everyone.

“The one potential advantage of CBDC over privately issued stablecoins is that it will be issued subject to statutory mandate legal decisions made by democratically elected lawmakers,” Omarova told the committee reviewing her nomination.

“So that will allow the central bank under the oversight of congress to ensure everyone has fair access to new forms of money,” she added.

Governments and Central Banks around the world, not just in the USA, could take a collective stance against private crypto currencies in favor of government issued digital currencies.  If markets perceive this as a possibility threat to the future of private crypto his could trigger a sell off in those currencies.  That could snowball into a panic.  If this were to happen, the amount of wealth that would be wiped out would be staggering. This would surely spill over into equity markets and economy.