Thursday, October 6, 2022



The U.S. Treasury Department recently released a new report showing our national debt passed $31 trillion. 

The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget estimates that Biden's policies have added nearly $5 trillion to deficits since he took office, according to The New York Times. That projection includes Biden's $1.9 trillion economic stimulus bill which Democrats dubbed the "Inflation Reduction Act."

In fact, the national debt has climbed nearly $8 trillion since 2020 with $1 trillion coming in just the last eight months.  Higher interest rates on government debt are going to compound an already unsustainable burden on USA taxpayers.  The emphasis is on PAYERS since only about 42.9 percent of U.S. households paid income tax in 2021. The remaining 57.1 percent of households paid no individual income tax. The top 5% of taxpayers pay ~60% of Federal taxes!  

There are 124 million households in the United States. Assuming 43% are paying taxes that means that means approximately 53 million households

To use a word the has become extremely popular over the last 15-20 years, the national debt is not sustainable.

The term "Sustainability" has become a rallying cry for Democrats who want to eliminate fossil fuels. Biden campaigned on Sustainability!  (That and how wearing a mask and getting the vaccine would stop the virus. They didn't!) 

There is more hypocrisy going on than there is sustainability.  Our Federal Debt is not sustainable! Neither is Medicare or Social Security. Open borders are not sustainable.  Our electric grid is not going to sustain the massive rush to EV's.  Health care costs, college debt, and utility rates are not sustainable either. 

Thus far we have been able to kick all these unsustainable problems down the road, but at some point the road ends! What happens then? What happens then has a name.  It is called "The Fourth Turning" and then is now.

In the extraordinary book "The Fourth Turning" the authors' William Strauss and Neil Howe say there is an 80-year recurring generation cycle in American history and Western history. The cycle has stages and the last stage is called the "Turning."

The "Turning" is the crisis stage and marks an era of destruction, often involving war or revolution, in which institutional life is destroyed and rebuilt in response to a perceived threat to the nation's survival. Three prior cycles have Turnings that coincided with the American Revolution, the Civil War, and the Great Depression/WWII. 

According to the authors' theory, right now we are in the winter of history—the fourth turning of a crisis. It started with the Great Recession of 2007-09 and is likely to last toward the end of the decade—between 2027-2030. In other words, we are in a very dangerous time in history.  

The Fourth Turning was written in 1997. The predictions in it are prophetic of our time. Since we are about 60-70% into the Fourth Turning's events as described in the book, it is possible to guage the accuracy, and thus the credibility, of the author's predictions.  (The authors are working on releasing an updated edition with more recent research.)

Experts on this pattern, say that history speeds up in the Fourth Turning and is characterized as having an urgent view of the future. Change, risk and uncertainty reach their peak as the Fourth Turning culminates. 

I titled this blog post "A Question We Need To Ask Ourselves." The reason being is that there are ways we can prepare ourselves and our family personally for future events. Therein is the question.  "What can I do and when will I start doing it? 

Many of the wealthiest people in the world are preparing for a systemic collapse. So is a segment of the USA population known as "preppers." In addition, many in the ultra-orthodox and Messianc Jewish, Evangelical Christians and other religious communities sense we are in an "end-times" age. It is interesting how different folks prepare in different ways for a very similar sense that the world is turning

This blog post isn't intended to answer the question of what you can do should things get crazy and out of control, or shall I say supernatural. It was written to encourage you to do that. 

We live in prophetic times.  Times against all odds.  In an age the Bible predicted.  

Epilogue: I offer this teaching. "Sapient & the Strange Death of Europe."