Wednesday, July 26, 2023


An artistic cover to the poem book "Flowers of Evil"


Remember "the perfect phone call."  Trump simply asked Ukraine President Zelinksky to "look into Biden family corruption." That was enough for Democrats to impeach Trump.

Since then hundreds of millions of dollars have been sent to Ukraine with practically no accountability and hundreds of thousands have been killed in a war that COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED!!

We've known about the corruption in Ukraine and with the Bidens for years! Rudy Giuliani has been talking about what is on the Hunter laptop since BEFORE the 2019 election! (He has seen a copy of it.)  

Hunter, the Biden family "bag man," has brought home tens of millions for the "Big Man" and his uncles, Biden’s brothers. The Biden’s have been strong arming Ukraine, influence peddling and taking in bribes from Ukraine and other countries since "Sleepy Joe" was VP in the Obama Administration. Joe Biden is a bold-faced liar -- his entire life! 

Obama has known all along that he could use Biden’s ability to look into the camera and lie! Obama knew he could use the Biden’s crime family and corruption to pull his puppet out of office when the time was right

Obama and the Deep State know they can control the Biden’s because of their greed and Hunter especially because of his insatiable desire for drugs and sex. (Who do you think shut down in 2 seconds the Secret Service and FBI investigation into the coke found in the West Wing?  NO prints, NO Suspects...REALLY?!)  

As we hear Devon Archer, Hunter's business partner, upcoming testimony before Congress, keep in mind that this could all been avoided.  Nearly everything he is going to say has been said before and buried for years!!! 

The Hunter laptop was a Deep State coverup, otherwise Trump would have won the 2019 election. The media has spent 6 years brainwashing the public to hate Trump. The DEEP STATE, the DNC and ELITE GLOBALISTS wanted Trump out and they wanted this Ukraine war. They will do anything!

The "Machine" is being used to open the borders and let sex trafficking and drugs flow freely into America. The "Machine" is destroying the family. The "Machine" is determined to bring down our Nation BECAUSE it is built on Judeo-Christian values! It has already brought down the sovereignty of most countries in Europe. The "Machine" is driving toward "one world order" and one world religion." 

Hunter is just a part in the machine. Bumbling Biden is a puppet of the machine. The mainstream media are tools of the machine. Many politicians are bought and owned by the machine. BUT the machine is controlled TOO!! Who or what controls the Machine?

The "Machine" is controlled by the darkest evil the world has seen since Nazi Germany. That Evil is coming to surface again. It is coming out of its dark cave! We are living in the late 1920's again! We didn't stop Hilter when it would have been much easier to do. 

The Germans wanted to believe the evil lies of the Nazis.  Hitler’s proganda machine owned the mainstream media in Germany before and during WWII. His Brown Shirt's used the Reishtag Fire like Pelosi used the January 6th protest. They were both a means to seize greater control.  

We defeated Hitler, but we didn't destroy the Evil. It popped up again. It took shape in the form of the Communist Revolution of China. The “fall” of mainland China to communism took place in 1949.

Evil is at it again and like before people don't want to see it. 

"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist” — Charles Baudelaire

Evil took over China in 1949 right after Israel was born again in 1948. 


Yeshayahu (Isaiah) - Chapter 14:12-27

12 How have you fallen from heaven, the morning star? You have been cut down to earth, You who cast lots on nations.

13 And you said to yourself, 'To the heavens will I ascend, above God's stars will I raise my throne, and I will sit on the mount of the assembly, in the farthest end of the north.

14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will liken myself to the Most High.'

15 But into the nether world shall you be brought down, to the bottom of the pit.

16 Those who see you shall look at you; shall gaze earnestly at you, 'Is this the man who caused the earth to quake, who wrought havoc among the kingdoms?

17 Who made the land like a desert, and his cities he demolished; for his prisoners he did not open the house.

18 All kings of nations, all of them, lay in honor, each in his house.

19 But you were cast from your grave like a discarded sapling, [in] the garb of the slain, of those pierced by the sword, who descend to the stones of the pit, like a trampled corpse.

20 You shall not join them in burial, for you have destroyed your land, you have slain your people; the seed of evil-doers shall not be named forever.

21 Prepare a slaughter for his sons because of the iniquity of their forefathers, lest they rise and inherit the land, and fill the surface of the earth with enemies."

22 "And I will rise against them," says the Lord of Hosts, "and I will cut off from Babylon a name and a remnant, a son and a grandson," says the Lord.

23 "And I will make it for a heritage of hedgehogs and pools of water, and I shall sweep it away with a broom of destruction," says the Lord of Hosts.

24 The Lord of Hosts swore saying, if not as I thought, so it was, and as I planned, so it shall remain.

25 To break Assyria in My land, and on My mountains will I trample him, and his yoke shall be removed from upon them, and his burden shall be removed from upon his shoulder.

26 This is the plan that is planned over the entire land, and this is the outstretched hand over all the nations.

27 For the Lord of Hosts planned, and who will frustrate [it]? And it is His hand that is outstretched, and who will return it?