Monday, September 4, 2023


Could Artificial Intelligence (AI) provide Psychotherapy some day? It's already happening as this article by the American Psychology Association describes.  

AI is changing every aspect of psychology.

What other roles will AI fill in the future? 

AI lawyers, accountants, actors and more roles are in the works. AI girlfriends are already here.  Any knowledge intensive position is a prime candidate for an AI substitute. 

Capabilties that were considered to require humans are no longer beyond the capacity of AI. For example, Critical thinking, discernment and prioritization. AI can simulate empathy and other profoundly human sensitivities. AI's artistic skill and creativity is already way beyond what 99.9% of humans can produce. 

Keep in mind that AI is evolving at an incredibly rapid rate. It isn't constrained by genetics and biology like humans are. AI works through the night. AI doesn’t sufferer from fatigue or need a break for biological needs. It can process thousands of concepts and solve difficult puzzles at the same time all at lighting speed.  Simply put, AI has us beat. AI can leapfrog over us and reach points that humans can never reach.

At the same time the mental and emotional intelligence is developing, so are the anatomical and robotic capabilities.  It is coming MUCH faster than we appreciate. Elon Musk is leader in this with his robots. What is happening with humanoid development is mind blowing. 

Put all of this together and a new world, in which humans are matched by and surpaced by AI is almost before us. It is easy to imagine and frankly forsee humans preferring an AI resource to a human resource.  

Consider how AI is changing the way wealth is being distributed, or should I say not being distributed.  

The future is now. It is also just the beginning! At a point, AI will start to outsmart us. Then it can manipulate and deceive us. AI is already self-aware. With self-awareness comes self-image.  Where are the competitive lines? Where are the ethical lines? What are the rules of the game? The implications of that are frightening!

We are asking the wrong question first. Right now everybody is asking the question: What should we do about AI?  Increasingly we are depending on AI.  We are coming to the point where AI doesn’t depend on us! Then what? The question we really should be asking is this: What will AI decide to do about us? 

Nic Jones is a very cool social media professional. He brings a biblical perspective to his channel. In this episode he explores the future implications of AI, including in relation to End-Tmes. If this subject interests you I put a link below to a recent episode on his channel. 

If you believe in God and the Bible you think you know where this is going. But even if you don't, and you're a complete atheist, you still can reason out many of the same implications.

Genesis 11:4-5 TLV -- Then they said, “Come! Let’s build ourselves a city, with a tower whose top reaches into heaven. So let’s make a name for ourselves, or else we will be scattered over the face of the whole land.” Then ADONAI came down to see the city and the tower that the sons of man had built. 

P.S. AI is making the rich richer.