Saturday, October 28, 2023


Abraham Lincoln in May 1858

President Lincoln's second inaugural address became one of the best-known of his career. It begins with the following words, which became the best-known passage of the speech, 

"A house divided against itself, cannot stand."


Even though Abraham Lincoln's famous line drew from the bible he stopped short of suggesting that the Civil War would end our Nation. As horrific as that period in history was, evidently Lincoln knew he was not living in "End-Times." 

There was more to Lincoln's famous quote, "A house divided against itself, cannot stand."

In this blog post I explored what Lincoln didn't say and what the biblical and prophectic implications may be.

President Lincoln drew from the bible verse Matthew 12.25, which contains the words, "... every city or house divided against itself will not stand." 

Lincoln went on to say:

"I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free.

I do not expect the Union to be dissolved - I do not expect the house to fall - but I do expect it will cease to be divided.

It will become all one thing, or all the other."

The Civil War to settle the future of the "House" over the matter of slavery was possibly the most perilous and difficult period our nation has faced. 

Although Lincoln drew from the Book of Matthew, there are some distinctions I would like to call to our attention. Lincoln spoke of the "Divided House" -- our government. Lincoln believed the Union, our Nation would endure. He actually said so in his very next words. The Nation would settle the division in the House one way or the other. 

I think Lincoln was also implying through means of punctuation, a simple comma, that how we settled the division in the House would ultimately determine whether or not the Nation would be destroyed.  I will come back to this point at the end. 

I think there is a parallel to be drawn to today's House, the People's House of Representatives. The division could not be more obvious looking at the tally of the recent vote for the new Speaker.

The Democrat party has moved to the far Left. It is increasingly standing on a more Socialist Platform. In fact, many in the party aspire to Democratic Socialism. Biden's campaign slogan "Build Back Better" mirrors the globalist agenda, which aims to rebuild America based on a new more Socialist vision and values.

In sharp contrast, the new Conservative House Speaker, Mike Johnson, stated his core principles which mirror the Founding principles of our nation including but not limited to: Judeo-Christian values, meritocracy and excellence, fiscal responsibility, sovereignty and security, etc. 

Our House is clearly divided with no apparent willingness for Democrats to come back to the Center. One has to wonder whether our House can stand.  

Following Lincoln's line of reasoning, the House is either going to "Build Back Better" or "Make America Great Again." The USA is either going to go in the direction of Socialism and follow the "One World Order" vision put forth by the Global Elite at the World Economic Forum (WEF) OR we are going to return to the core values that made our Country great. 

There is a more ominous dimension to where our Nation stands in my opinion.  Perhaps it even explains why "America" is not in the bible. To appreciate my concern, which is shared by tens of millions of Americans, we have to look at the full biblical verse from which Lincoln paraphrased. 

Lincoln left out the preceeding words in the same sentence from the bible that his famous quote is from. The full passage of Matthew 12:25 TLV reads as follows:

Knowing their thoughts, Yeshua said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is destroyed, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. - 

Evidently Lincoln saw slavery as a matter that would be resolved in order for the House to Stand. But Lincoln believed the Nation, the Union, would endure. 

If the expression "Kingdom divided" can be applied to a nation, then I think the consequences spoken of in Matthew are more drastic. 

In the biblical Book of Matthew, Yeshua speaks of the destruction of the Nation.  Ancient Israel was divided over Yeshua, and 40 years after his crucifixion the Kingdom was destroyed. The Roman wars began, the 2nd Temple was destroyed and Jews were slaughtered or take off as slaves. 

It wasn't until when America was founded that Jewish and Christian values came back together. Thus we are a nation built on Judeo-Christian values.  America paved the way for the prophecy of Israel being created in "one day":

Isaiah 66:8 TLV

"Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Can a land be born in one day? Can a nation be brought forth at once? For as soon as Zion was in labor, she gave birth to her children."

If America played such a key role in bible prophecy, it seems to me that being a divided nation like Yeshua described is to risk destruction.  

Here is the full actual bible verse that Lincoln's famous quote is drawn from. 

Matthew 12:22-28 TLV

Then a demon-plagued man, who was blind and mute, was brought to Yeshua; and He healed him, so that he spoke and saw. All the crowds were astounded and saying, “This can’t be Ben-David, can it?” But hearing this, the Pharisees said, “This fellow drives out demons only by beelzebul, the ruler of demons.” Knowing their thoughts, Yeshua said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is destroyed, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. If satan drives out satan, he is divided against himself; how then will his kingdom stand? And if I drive out demons by beelzebul, by whom do your sons drive them out? For this reason, they will be your judges. But if I drive out demons by the Ruach Elohim, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. 

Yeshua turns the Pharisees argument on it's head. Afterwhich Yeshua accuses them of being an "evil and adulterous generation." Yeshua said "Every kingdom divided against itself is destroyed." Is that where we are? 

If America has turned it's back on God and turned away from our Founding Judeo-Christian values, what can we expect will happen? This is how the demons come in.  I realize how crazy it sounds to think that demon spirits have anything to do with the division and destruction of America. All I will say is that religion in general sounds crazy so why not at least hear the theory about demon spirits before you excuse it. 

In his book "The Return of the gods," author and Messianic Jewish Rabbi Jonathan Cahn writes about what is happening politically and spiritually in the USA. He explains how these events parallel what happened in Israel.  

I want to come back to what Lincoln actually said for one last but profound question. After the sentence about a divided house, Lincoln said, 

"I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free."

Why did Lincoln insert a comma??  Did Lincoln have a prophetic vision of the future and was the comma a clue?

If parallels to current events and bible prophecy can be made, then at this point I say WATCH DAMASCUS.