Sunday, October 22, 2023


Israel's Prime Minister said "This war will take time and it will be extremely difficult." Israel now has nearly 400,000 active reservist called up, which is close to it's total number available to serve.

What lies ahead:

While we do not know exactly how or when these events will unfold, we do know they lie ahead.  These are the known unknowns:

- There will be a ground attack in Gaza. Incredibly difficult, tedious and dangerous.  How bad will Israel's losses be? 

- Hezbollah is likely to be a factor in the war with Hamas.  Will Israel leave thousands of missiles pointed at it's population any longer?

- Iran is coordinating and supplying a proxy war against Israel. It has come to the point that Israel must deal with Iran. Will Israel finally cut off the head of the snake?

- The USA moved two nuclear carrier groups into the region.  If/when Hezbollah and Iran enter into the war, what will the USA do?

Those are the known unknowns. Then there are the unknown unknowns:

- How will Iran's allies respond? Russia, China, North Korea. Since the USA overthrew Saddam Hussain Iraq has been largely controlled by Iran.

- What will other nations in the region do? (E.g. Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, etc)

- To what extent will terror cells and one off lone-wolves inside Israel, Europe and the USA reap death and destruction?   

The Big Unknowns:

- Will Israel be forced to use nuclear weapons?

- Will China exploit the focus on wars in Ukraine and Israel to move on Taiwan?

- Will Iran's missiles land on Jerusalem, Tel Aviv or other Israeli cities? 

The Great Unknown הלא ידוע הגדול

Many are looking to the bible for answers. Do Isaiah, Ezekiel and other ancient biblical prophets provide us any?  Are we in End-Times? 

What will God do? 


"LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, LORD. Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy."  Habakkuk 3:2