Friday, January 26, 2024


Take events in America and around the world since around the start of this millennium, the year 2000. Imagine these as images. They could be people, headlines or even a concept. The images do not need to be in chronological order. Your thoughts can be random. They will be random.

Scan the globe -- The images and thoughts can be of something 5,000 thousand miles away or in your state. They can be of political or financial or cultural events or anything meaningful to large bodies of people. The subjects and images aren't personal even though you may have personal opinions about them. You might even find yourself having a conversation with someone in your mind. 

Stand back. Widen your lens. Remove your ego from what you see. Don't judge the images. Simply see the pictures as a collection, like a collage or a reel. Allow feelings to drift by you -- let them just come and go. You may have a feeling but don't apply any emotion to what you see -- Just watch.

Don't overthink this exercise. Allow God's Spirit, in your subconscious, not your intellect, to choose what you see. You don't even need to be aware that you're seeing anything. Your subconscious mind can process this without you consciously seeing and knowing what is happening. All you need to do is intentionally direct your mind and allow yourself some time, some seconds, to perform this task uninterrupted by other demands and distractions. Shut off everything else. 

Don't be concerned if totally random and seemingly irrelevant and trivial images pop up. Don't focus or think about the images, just let them scroll by you like a series of shutter frames. Do the same with the thoughts associated with any image. When you reach the present let the inertia take you forward in time. Sense the future and the way the world is heading. 

Now, let go of ALL the images. Rather than traveling in time, move beyond the dimension bounded by time. Enter the spiritual realm. There is only Light.  Connect with the Love in the Light. This is the Light of the Creator. 

Form an intention for the Glory of the Devine to reveal Himself. Seek correction and guidance.  Pray for that. Pray for the world.  As difficult as things seem, come to a place of gratitude to the Lord.  

You are exercising your "sixth sense" and applying it to the situation mankind is faced with. This is your Spiritual sense. It is your ability to make a connection with the Creator, Hashem. 


Our world is facing a crossroads.  Humanity has reached a crucial threshold. We are in a spiritual battle.  Evil forces are at hand. Good will prevail, but many will suffer terribly.  We have an important role to play, but in order to play a positive role we need understanding so we do what we can to minimize the suffering.  
