Friday, September 20, 2024

TET - 9

וַיַּ֧רְא אֱלֹהִ֛ים אֶת־הָא֖וֹר כִּי־ט֑וֹב וַיַּבְדֵּ֣ל אֱלֹהִ֔ים בֵּ֥ין הָא֖וֹר וּבֵ֥ין הַחֽשֶׁךְ

Genesis 1.4 -- And God saw the light that it was good, and God separated between the light and between the darkness.

TET, the 9th letter in the Hebrew alphabet is a paradoxical letter in that it reveals both good (tov) and evil, light and darkness. 

Meaning and Symbolism:

Goodness: The primary meaning of Tet is associated with "good" or "best," derived from the Hebrew word "tov" (טוב). This connection is evident in its first appearance in the Torah in Genesis 1:4, where it describes the goodness of creation.

Duality: Tet also embodies duality, as it is the first letter in words for both "purity" (טהרה) and "impurity" (טומאה). This reflects a balance between good and evil, purity and impurity.  

Genesis 50:20 -- Indeed, you intended evil against me, [but] God designed it for good, in order to bring about what is at present to keep a great populace alive.

Symbolism: The shape of Tet resembles a vessel or basket, symbolizing hidden or potential goodness, akin to a womb containing new life.

The Tet represents the hidden good that resides within the womb (the vessel) of the mother. 

Here are some Hebrew words that begin with the letter "Tet" (ט):

  • Tov (טוב): Meaning "good." 
  • Tevet (טבת): This is the name of a month in the Hebrew calendar. There is much written on this month and it's relationship to Tet. 
  • Tallit (טלית): A traditional Jewish prayer shawl.
  • Terefah (טרפה): Refers to non-kosher food.
  • Teruah (תרועה): Refers to a trumpet blast, often associated with biblical festivals like Rosh Hashanah.

Mystical Meaning 

The Hebrew letter "Tet" (ט) carries significant mystical symbolism, often associated with themes of goodness, transformation, and hidden wisdom.

Transcendence and Transformation: Tet is seen as a symbol of transcendence, enabling individuals to surpass ordinary limitations and manifest the supernatural in the natural world. It is described as a vessel that shapes and manifests the divine glory, reminding us to be vessels of honor.

Hidden Wisdom: Mystically, Tet represents concealed wisdom within creation, waiting to be discovered. This hidden aspect is likened to a snake, symbolizing the presence of wisdom that must be uncovered through spiritual exploration.

Tet represents a womb

Feminine Essence and Manifestation:
The essence of Tet is considered feminine, representing the number nine for the nine months of pregnancy. It symbolizes a womb or container where transformation occurs, embodying the potential for new life and manifestation.

Light Within Darkness: In Kabbalistic teachings, Tet is associated with the concept that darkness is merely concealed light. It emphasizes the idea that within challenges or darkness lies hidden goodness and light.

These mystical interpretations highlight Tet's role in spiritual growth and understanding, encouraging a journey toward uncovering divine wisdom and goodness.

A Basket - טֶנֶא

Exodus 2.3 --[When] she could no longer hide him, she took [for] him a reed basket, smeared it with clay and pitch, placed the child into it, and put [it] into the marsh at the Nile's edge.

The Paleo-Hebrew form of the letter "Tet" (ט) is depicted as a basket, which carries significant meaning rooted in the practical and symbolic aspects of ancient Hebrew culture. In ancient times, baskets were essential tools used for storing and carrying various items, such as grains, tools, and food. This practical use is reflected in the meanings associated with the letter Tet, such as "contain," "store," and "enclose".

Deuteronomy 26.2 -- you must take the first of all the ground’s produce you harvest from the land the Lord your God is giving you, place it in a basket, and go to the place where he chooses to locate his name.

This Torah verse corolates to the Torah portion from which we get the holiday of First Fruits. It is the this portion that inspired me to do this writing.  The Parasha (portion) for the shabbat is called "Ki Tavo" which means "when you come."


9 - Truth 

The numeric value of Tet is 9.  This corresponds to the nine months of pregnancy. Furthermore, the number nine is a “true” number. 9 is associated with truth. 

Remember that there is a "duality" to Tet. The upside-down 9 is 6. The truth can be turned upside-down. 

The basis for the association between 9 and truth is too heavy for this blog article, but if you would like to read more about mystical Judaism's reasoning click here

A Note to Believers in Yeshua: 

Yeshua died at 9th hour of the day, or 3 p.m.

Matthew 27:45-46 -- from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour. And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” that is, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”.

Consider that an upside-down 9 is a 6. In the 6th our their was "darkness over all the land." Do you see the connection to creation and Genesis 1.4?  Do you see the "duality?" 

For the Christian reading this, I suggest that now that you see the hidden meaning of Tet (9), scroll back up and read the "Mystical Meaning" of Tet again. 

The ninth month of the Hebrew calendar is Kislev, which is celebrated for the Festival of Lights, or Hanukkah


This video on Tisha B'Av relates to Tet-9.