Tuesday, December 27, 2022



Ukraine can not sustain itself without massive capital improvements to restore power, water, sewer, communications, transportation, hospitals, housing etc.Those improvements can not be made during a war time. If Ukraine was a person you could say that it is a "Dead Man Walking."

Putin knows this. Time is on his side. If Putin can survive, he just needs to wait and let the Ukrainian people suffer until they're willing to make the peace deal he can live with.

A vast amount of Ukraine's natural resource wealth will have to be spent on rebuilding Ukraine. Those improvements are essentially "The spoils of the war." There is no way that Putin/Russia wants those improvements to be made by Western companies. And there's no way Western companies want to let those spoils go to Russia and China. 

The battle at this point is for the peace and who gets the spoils. Meanwhile the Ukrainian people suffer! Such is the real tragedy of war!




When I read the news from China about Covid, my take is not that of a healthcare crisis. What I see is a covert eugenics project going as planned.

It is my opinion since the virus started in 2019 that the Wuhan Virus, Covid, was designed in Chinese labs to purposely kill older people. In other words, the "gain of function" virus is a covert eugenics plan to reduce the aging population, in China particularily, who put the most strain on government health care and are least productive. I would not be surprised if our own CIA and Dr. Faucci was on board. 

Governments around the world are all facing the insurmountable challenge with the strain of healthcare costs. The actuarial reality is that countries simply can not afford to meet the high costs of long term care.  

Covid is overwhelming hospitals now, but the cost of dealing with a 70 year old person who will die in a few days or even weeks from Covid is a small fraction of what their health care costs would have been over the next ~20 years otherwise. 

China has a rapidly aging population. According to Chinese state media, China is already approaching a “moderately aging” scenario, in which 20% of its population is ages 60 and older. By 2035, that percentage is expected to rise to 30%, or more than 400 million people.

By 2100, China also appears poised to roughly double its “dependency ratio” – the proportion of its population that is outside working age (either ages 0 to 14 or ages 65 and older), compared with the proportion that is working age (15 to 64). 

Both age groups, the young and the old, are dependent and lower productivity.  The "future" depends on the young. The most telling feature about the design of the Wuhan Virus is the target population at highest risk. Notice how Covid mysteriously kills elderly and spares the very young, unlike the typical flu.

Coincidently, the Wuhan virus will largely solve China's demographics problem and increase it's productivity per capita.    

Eugenics isn't new in China. China has long had ambitious eugenic plans.  Some of which that have been very public about. 

For 30+ years limited families from having more than one child. It wasn't until 2015, just a few years before the virus was ready to be leaked from a top secret biological weapons labratory in Wuhan, that the CCP relented, and married couples were told they could have two children.

In 2019 U.S. intelligence started to warn that China was engineering "biologically enhanced" soldiers in it's People's Liberation Army. There have been scholarly papers writen that examine China's ambitions to apply biotechnology to the battlefield, including what they said were signs that China was interested in using gene-editing technology to enhance soldier performance. A prominent former member of Congress warned that "There are no ethical boundaries to Beijing's pursuit of power." 

Hitler did it in Europe to kill Jews, gypsies, mental patients and the disabled. Margaret Sanger did it in the USA to kill Black babies. Xi Jinping is doing it now in China to kill old people and others with premorbidity conditions. Eugenics is alive and going very well in China! Covid is going as planned!  

Monday, December 26, 2022



Miracle - definition 1. a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.

The Hebrew spelling of Hanukkah חֲנֻכָּה begins with the 8th letter in the Hebrew alphabet, Chet ח, which is also the Hebrew number 8.


The 8th day of Hanukkah is considered by Jewish sages as the most important DAY of Hanukkah. It is called Zos Hanukkah, which translates to "This is Hanukkah."  

"Zos" is the trait of Hanukkah. In other words, the 8th day is like ALL of Hanukkah - all the miracles wrapped into one. You might say, the miracle of miracles. 

The Maccabees celebrated Sukkout, also known as the Feast of Tabernacles (Booths), once they rededicated the Temple. It too concluded with an all important and distinguishable 8th day. That day was "Hoshana Rabbah."

“Hoshana” means “please save us,” and “rabbah” means “great.” The 8th day, Hoshana Rabbah, is seeking the Great Salvation

Whether it is Zos Hanukkah or Hoshana Rabbah, 7+1 = 8, and 8 is very great!   

There is so much that can be said about the number 8. After all, the mathmatical symbol for infinity is an 8 on it's side. 

In the world, times revolves around the number seven: the seven days of the week. Eight, however, represents transcendence, a level that is beyond the natural order. 8 brings us to new beginning -- A New Song.

According to Torah sages, Life can only be considered "true" when it is infused with Godliness, because the body by itself is temporary, and any­thing temporary cannot be true. True life is immortal and everlasting. The way one acquires everlasting life is by con­necting with God. 

Thus, infinity, salvation and chet (8) are all connected. You have likely heard the expression L'chaim, "to life."

The Hebrew symbol for the expression L'Chiam is spelled Chet-Yud (חי). The Yud is the 10th letter - devine completeness. Chet (8)+ Yud (10) = 18, which is a very special number indeed! The symbol חי is very familiar to Jews. It is often seen in Jewish art and jewelry.  Jews almost always give financial gifts in multiples of 18 so as to give the gift of life!

Ancient Tablet with Babylonian Value for Pi

Even if you are not Jewish or know Hebrew, the Hebrew letter Chet ח may look familiar to you because it is very similar to the letter Pi (π). Pi has been known for almost 4000 years. 

If you take the Gematria (numeric) value for the first verse in the Hebrew bible (Genesis 1.1), which is 22 and divide that by 7, the number of days in Creation, you get 3.1428571429 (Pi). 

Modern Mathematicians began using the Greek letter π in the 1700s. But as you can see on the ancient Babylonian table above, it was used long before that. 

The ancient Babylonians calculated the area of a circle by taking 3 times the square of its radius, which gave a value of pi = 3. One Babylonian tablet (ca. 1900–1680 BC) shown above indicates a value of 3.125 for π, which is a closer approximation.

Pi is an infinite number. Isn't it ironic that something which encloses space, a circle, would have a formula that has an infinite value. 

Such is the circle of life. Such is the mircle of mircles. Happy Zos Hanukkah!

P.S. I have some more in another blog article titled Hanukkah and the Number 8.

Sunday, December 25, 2022


CHRISTMAS, it is late or early and the house is very silent

Silent Night is a famous Christmas song.  It is a tradition for many to sing it on Christmas eve. Here are some of the lyrics that were written in 1816 by a young priest in Austria, Joseph Mohr.  

"Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright. 'Round yon Virgin Mother and Child, Holy Infant so tender and mild. Sleep in heavenly peace, Sleep in heavenly peace.

Silent night, holy night! Shepherds quake at the sight! Glories stream from heaven afar, heavenly hosts sing Alleluia! Christ, the Savior is born, Christ, the Savior is born.

Silent night, holy night, Son of God, love's pure light. Radiant beams from thy holy face, with the dawn of redeeming grace. Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth, Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth."

 Holocaust book about the "longest night."

It strikes me as profoundly ironic that when an older Jew hear's the word "Night" in the spiritual context of Christmas, there is a good chance they will think of Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass. (Kristall is glass, not Christ.) 

The Hebrew word for "how" is Eicha.  Eicha is the Jewish name for the "Book of Lamentations." Eicha (Lamentations) is a theological and prophetic response to the destruction of the First Temple (Beit Hamikdash) in Jerusalem in 586 B.C.(E.). It is believed to have been written by the prophet Jeremiah.

EICHA is not concerned with the historical details of the destruction, but rather with larger theological questions: Why did God, who had once been Israel’s redeemer, acquiesce to the destruction of His holy city and temple? Why is God’s love no longer evident? How can it be that “the city that was full of people” now “dwells alone” In Lamentations 1:1, the first word in Hebrew, Eicha, is the basis for the name of the book.

On Christmas Eve, which coincided with the 7th Night of Hanukkah this year, I went to a Christmas Eve dinner. I brought my Hanukkiah (menorah) along and lit it before dinner. At dinner, one of guests said that on Christmas it was tradition for him and his friends to get together and sing "War Pigs." 

I recognized the song because it is by one the most famous 1970's heavy metal rock bands. Black Sabbath, War Pigs, is sung by the iconic Ozzy Ozborne.

War Pigs is reputed to be an anti-war anthem. Originally, “War Pigs” was titled “Walpurgis” after the Christian feast of Walpurgis Night. But according to song's principle lyricist and the band original bassist, Geezer Butler, in a 2010 interview with Noisecreep, Walpurgis is essentially “Christmas for Satanists.” Here are the lyrics:

Generals gathered in their masses

Just like witches at black masses

Evil minds that plot destruction

Sorcerers of death's construction

In the fields the bodies burning

As the war machine keeps turning

Death and hatred to mankind

Poisoning their brainwashed minds

Oh Lord yeah!

Politicians hide themselves away

They only started the war

Why should they go out to fight?

They leave that all to the poor, yeah

Time will tell on their power minds

Making war just for fun

Treating people just like pawns in chess

Wait till their judgment day comes, yeah!

No more war pigs have the power

Hand of God has struck the hour

Day of Judgment God is calling

On their knees the war pigs crawling

Begging mercies for their sins

Satan laughing spreads his wings

Oh Lord yeah

The band's name, Black Sabbath, conjures up images of a Black Mass.  A Black Mass is a ceremony which celebrates death and destruction held by various Satanic groups over the centuries. It is intentionally sacrilegious and a blasphemous mockery of a Catholic Mass.

War Pigs is possibly the magnum opus of Black Sabbath. The lyrics provide an image of burning bodies ignored by the unstoppable war machine bringing death and hatred to all the land.  The generals and politicians who bring war face judgement in the end, but Satan laughs and appears to fly off. It is as though Satan leaves a trail of death and destruction throughout history; corrupting the minds of all who aren’t strong enough to resist Satan's sorcery

Interestingly, in the Hebrew Talmud, Jesus is accused by the pharises of being a sorcerer.  The New Testamant, essentially confirms this in Matthew 12:24, "But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils."

There is perhaps no greater trail of death and destruction than the tragic events through history associated with Jews and Tisha B'Av. Jews have asked themselves for thousands of years, HOW could so many tragic events in history befall us. Eicha reverberates throughout history.  In Jeremiah's time they asked "how" God could have allowed for the destruction of the first temple. In my time, Jews ask how the Holocaust could have happened. 

On Christmas Eve, when Christians sing Silent Night, this Jew, me, am reminded of the "Longest Night," the Holocaust. I am not alone. The question has to be asked. How could the Austrians that gave us Silent Night, have also given us Hitler and the Holocaust?  Eicha? 

While Jews and Christians have different beliefs about the Messiah, they do both believe in a Messiah. Jews and Christians both believe in the "Shield of David" -- God's protection of his chosen people. Jews and Christians both believe that sin is disobedience. But when it comes to evil influence in the world, Jews and Christians diverge. Each answer the question of "How" very differently. Jews believe in Man's "evil inclination" which is called "yetza hara" in Hebrew. Christians take evil a step further with the belief in a super natural force of evil -- a fallen Angel called Lucifer, otherwise known as Satan. 

If Satan does exist, then War Pigs seems to hit the nail on the head in. Satan laughing spreads his wings.

In these times, very religious Jews and Christians see many signs that the scriptures prophesied of. Both are watching for the Messiah. Christians expect to see the anti-Christ first. Time will tell if there is a Satan. Then, we will all see who the Messiah is and whether he is pierced. 

Fear the Lord. Merry Christmas. 

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and discipline." Proverbs 1.7

Wednesday, December 21, 2022


As we celebrate the Light, let us also remember the warriors who fought and died to keep the Light burning. 

The First and Second Books of Maccabees are the most detailed accounts of the battles of Judah Maccabee and his brothers for the liberation of Judea from foreign domination. The military prowess of Judah Maccabee, the Hammer, is legendary. To put it bluntly and crudely, the Maccabees were bad-@$$ warriors! 

A statue of Judah Maccabee can be found at the United States Military Academy, a symbol of his influence as a warrior on George Washington and subsequent officers of the United States Army.  Below is a picture of West Point Cadets claiming their heritage.  

The Books of Maccabees are the earliest historical account of the rededication of the Temple. Hanukkah is Hebrew for dedicate. You could say the Maccabees hanukkah'ed' the Temple. 

Yet, these books are missing from the Hebrew Bible, the Tanakh. There is some debate about why.  Nonetheless, while the original Books were written in Hebrew, the Hebrew books were lost to the Jewish world for many centuries.

Hanukkah is the only holiday in the Jewish calendar that does not have a corresponding mishnaic tractate. 

Ironically, the Books of Maccabees survived because they were translated to Greek and became part of the Christian canon. 

Interestingly, there is renewed interest in these texts in the Jewish community. "Students of Jewish history and Jewish literature recognize the value of these documents that took such pains to record details, events and personalities of a major period in Jewish history."

Jews will find something more in Maccabes; Something which is common in the Christian mindset, but not a theme in the Jewish mindset. Maccabees, particularly the 2nd book, was quite vivid about the belief in resurrection

Judah Maccabeus and his brothers were zealous Jews of the priestly Levite tribe. They fought with complete faith that they would be victorious in death. It is impossible to read the story of the "Mother and Her Seven Sons" in Maccabees II and not be moved by their faithfulness and confidence in resurrection.  (Link to story. Warning: It is a downright gruesome story.)

The holiday of Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, brings Jew and Christian together. It is a holiday we both can celebrate. After all, we both want to bring more Light into the World.  

You say December, we say Kislev, but we both celebrate on the 25th!  The 25th of December on the Gregorian calendar is the 359th day. 359 is the numeric value of the word Messiah in Aramaic, the predominant language at the time of Jesus. 

P.S. Light is a common theme with other religions. Diwali (also spelled Divali), the festival of lights, is one of the major holidays of Hinduism and is also celebrated in Jainism and Sikhism.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

CHET -- 8

Chet is the 8th letter in Hebrew alpha-bet. It gematria value is 8. 

The number eight in Hebrew is shemonah (שְׁמֹנֶה). The letter chet (ח) also represents the number eight.

The word Hanukkah means "dedicate." While the holiday of Hanukkah is not in the Torah, the word hanukkah (dedicate) is found throughout the bible. 

A major theme of the Hanukkah holiday is the number eight - 8 nights, 8 lights. Do we find the concept of dedication and the number 8 associated with one another in the bible? What else is associated with "dedication" in the bible? 

The eighth letter of the Hebrew alef-beyt (alphabet) is the letter "chet" ח. It is said that the letter chet is the fusion of two letters: the vav and the zayin with a bridge that unites the two.  Think of the fusion as a marriage. In Jewish tradition when two people dedicate themselves to one another, it takes place under a chuppah (חוּפָּה), symbolic of God's presence. The Chuppah חוּפָּה begins with the letter chet (8) and ends with פה, which is the word "here." The shape of a chuppah even looks like the letter ח.

If that marriage produces a baby boy, the Jewish child will have a bris on the 8th day. Bris means covenant (agreement or promise). It is a sign of dedication to God.  

In the time of the Maccabees, the Greek Selucide King built a gymnasium where men competed in the nude so it could be seen which men were circumcised and thus dedicated to Judaism.

The first born is dedicated to God on the 8th day in Exodus 22.29 where the Torah says, "On the eight day So shall you do with your cattle and with your sheep: seven days it shall be with its mother, on the eighth day you may give it to Me."

In Leviticus 9.1 God summoned Moses and Aaron to make sacrafices of dedication. "And it was on the eighth day, that Moses summoned Aaron and his sons and the elders of Israel."

In 1 Samuel 16.10 it says "And Jesse presented his seven sons before Samuel; and Samuel said to Jesse, "The Lord has not chosen these."" It was the eighth son, David, who was to be annointed King. David would dedicate his life to serving the Lord. 

Psalm 8 speaks to the what David understands. In Psalm 8.10, another great number, David declares, 

"O Lord, our Master, how mighty is Your name in all the earth!"

The number 8 and the letter Chet ח have significance throughout the bible but there is one man whose name actually comes from the same root word as Hanukkah. Enoch's name means "dedicated," "trained" and disciplined." Enoch is believed to have been taken up to God. It says in Genesis 5.24 "Enoch walked with God, and he was no longer, for God had taken him."

If we are thinking about the #8 in a New Testament context, we might consider what happens after chapter 8 and after the 7th seal and 7th Trumpet is sounded. 

"The first angel sounded his trumpet, and there came hail and fire mixed with blood, and it was hurled down upon the earth. A third of the earth was burned up, a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up." 

Thursday, December 15, 2022



The Moriah plant growing on Mount Moriah. It releases it's fragrance in the heat of the day. 

It says in Exodus 30:7-8 that Aaron shall burn fragrant incense; every morning when he tends to the Temple Menorah, "he shall burn the incense, and when he lights the lamps between dusk and dark, he shall burn the incense; so there shall be a perpetual burning of incense before the Lord for all your generations.”

The temple menorah is explicitly described, in two places in Exodus, chapters 25:31-38 and 37:17-24, with a stem and six branches beaten out of pure gold into one piece and adorned with 22 almond-shaped calyxes with knob and flower.

The "menorah" we light on Hanukkah is distinctly different than the menorah created in the Sinai wilderness for the Tabernacle. On Hanukkah, the Hebrew word meaning "dedication," Jews light the nine-branched candelabra called a "Hannukiah." The temple Menorah has 7 branches. 

After the Greeks desecrated the Temple, they prohibited it to make replicas of the Temple’s seven-branched menorah. That is until Juda Maccabius and his brothers fought to win our freedom, rebuild and reconsecrate the temple in Jerusalem. The story of the Books of Maccabees is remembered and told with a "new Menorah," in some sense, a new song. 

Chabad explains why there are straight branches on the New menorah? 

Hannukiot (plural) have eight branches, plus a "Shamash candle." Shamash is Hebrew and means "servant." We light the Shamash candle first and it is used to light the other candles on each of the eight nights. On the first night we light the Shamash and one candle. Each night we light the Servant candle and one additional candle so "the light increases." The candles are loaded from right to left, as you face the Hanukkia but are lit from left to right.  Link to Hanukkah Prayers

Ideally, the Hanukkiah is placed in a window that is publically visible to commemorate the victory of the Maccabees over the Selucid Greeks and the purification of the Temple in the year 165 BCE.  The Light of the Hanukkiah, symbolic of the Light of God, his Holy Word, is to go out into the world. 

Famous image of Hanukkiah displayed across from a Nazi headquarters.

On the back of the photograph above is written the following inscription: 

Chanukah 5692 (1932)
"Death to Judah"
So the flag says
"Judah will live forever"
So the light answers

There is no biblical description of the Hanukkiah, and you will find a plethora of modern interpretations in all sorts of shapes and configurations. One of the most traditional shapes looks a lot like a plant in the sage family found in the Sinai desert called the Moriah Plant. It grows on the mountain it is named after. (See photo above.)

The moriah plant is shaped like the menorah and as you can see, the center stem is taller than the four branches on each side. It is a plant releases it's fragrance in the heat of the day. Consider again what it says in Exodus 30:7-8 that Aaron shall burn fragrant incense; every morning when he tends to the Temple Menorah, "he shall burn the incense, and when he lights the lamps between dusk and dark, he shall burn the incense; so there shall be a perpetual burning of incense before the Lord for all your generations.” 

This is one of my favorite Hanukkiah. It is copper or bronze colored and stands quite tall. It can burn either oil or candles sticks. I do burn lamp oil but frankly candles look better/brighter and burn longer. You can see me taking the picture in the reflection of the window. It was a gift to me by a Hassidic Rabbi which makes it special to me. 

Christmas is always on the 25th of December, but Hanukkah begins on the 25th day of the Hebrew calendar month of Kislev. It generally falls in December but not always. This year 5783 (2022), the first day of Hanukkah begins in the evening of Sunday, December 18th and overlaps Christmas. 

Chag Hanukkah Semeach and Merry Christmas.

P.S. Spring, Passover and the true New Year are just around the corner.