Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Travel Ban Fits Into A Good Spy Movie

Do you like a good spy movie?  Any good spy movie has to be built on a conspiracy theory!  So follow along with what I say.

First I need to develop the idea for the conspiracy theory and the basic premise for a good spy movie. So here it is ... in the following set of bullet points:
  • Given the President's access to Intelligence, can we all agree that the President has knowledge of terror risks that we do not? That should be an easy 'YES" answer.  
  • Trump campaigned all along that he will move the US Embassy back to Jerusalem if he became President. As we have seen in just the first two weeks of his Presidency, Trump is wasting no time on keeping his campaign promises!
  • In recent interviews since his swearing in, President Trump has not wanted to talk about his plan for our Embassy.  In my previous posts, I wrote that I believe an announcement on moving our Embassy is coming soon and that the President has gone "radio silent" on the topic because he does not want to tip off enemies of Israel and the USA.  Just yesterday the president made the remark that he had a big announcement about our Embassy to make soon. This comment came after he signed his Executive Order for the so called highly controversial Travel Ban.
  • Iran and Iraq clerical leaders, and terror agents of Iran such as Hezbollah and Hamas have all gone on record as saying that if the US Embassy in Israel is moved to Jerusalem that will be considered an act of a declaration of war. Abbas said such an announcement would "open the gates of hell." I have blogged quite a bit about this since last last fall.
  • It is fair to expect that if we do make an announcement to move our Embassy, that the risks of terror against the USA and Israel will immediately escalate exponentially. I think it is also fair to assume that our enemies will want to attack us on our home front.
  • Given the fact that both sides, the U.SA. and Iran, have broadcast there remarks about the intentions and consequences of moving the Embassy, one can make some assumptions about preparation and planning.  In other words, the President, being the only one who actually knows when he is going to make an announcement about the Embassy moving, has an obligation to make preparations for our national security, especially give the stated intentions of Iran.  On the flip side, Iran and other countries which harbor and support terrorism and often act as as agents of Iran, would also want to make preparations for acting out their threats of War should the US formally announce plans to, or actually move our Embassy.
  • Preparation for a terror attack in the USA would require Iran and its allies to move militant radical Islamic terrorists to the USA to carry out attacks.  Those operatives would need to travel to the USA, assuming all of them are not here already.  What countries would they be coming from?  Can we agree that they could come from the same countries that President Obama, and our Nation Security Agencies during his Administration, declared as harboring terrorist and sponsoring terrorism?  
  • Israel has to be involved.  The President would not want to spring the actual announcement for our US Embassy move on the Israeli Prime Minister at the same time he announces it to the public! Trump would tell Netanyahu in advance so Israeli intelligence/military planners can deal with the security threats related to the move of the USA Embassy.  
  • In a good spy movie wrapped around a conspiracy theory, the public is usually clueless.  Or better yet, they are actually played for fools by the antagonist, making challenges for the protaganist in the movie all the harder.  The public is rooting for the terror countries. 
OK ... I have set the stage for the back story of my spy movie. Now for the what the public sees.  The President announces an Executive Order banning travel from countries on the terror watch list which are aligned with Iran.  Then shortly thereafter he makes a big announcement about moving the US Embassy.

The rest of the spy movie story practically writes itself.  Matt Damon would have to be cast as a spy for the USA. Character actors would have to be cast for Putin, Bibi, and of course Trump.  Hmmm, I wonder if Alec Baldwin would turn down a fat payday to play Trump. LOL.

Reality or fiction?  Time will tell.  President Trump likes to keep us in suspense!  As for the time frame.  Well, the Travel Ban was for 90 days, so that ought to tell us a lot!


Possible DT is delaying announcement of Safe Zones in Syria until announcement of moving of US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.  May also explain why Trump put a NO time limit on the non-acceptance of Syrian refugees in his recent Executive Order.

I've made the argument before that Syria is being deeply damaged by the loss of so many of its good citizens who are fleeing for safety. Eventually the battles in Syria need to come to an end. And when they do Syria will need to rebuild!  If millions of its citizens have left, the future challenges to Syria are are nearly insurmountable.

Syria needs those refugees!  They are the hope and future for Syria and if they've left, they take with them the hopes and future of Syria. That is one of the reasons I'm a big supporter of Safe Zones in Syria and Iraq.

Plus, such Safety Zones will be most effective if they are executed jointly with Russia, with the full supoort of Assad!!  That will require some political manueuvering by our new Secretary of State Tillerson.  This is why Trump needs to finish his Cabinet and why Congress holding up his appointments is harmful.

It is my opinion that Trump will announce major plans for safe zones in the very near future.
Previous Posts:
Trump Has Gone Radio Silent

Radical Departure From Radical Islam