Saturday, April 29, 2017

First 100 Days

In ONLY 100 days ...

- Moscow is ready to cooperate with the United States on settling the Syrian crisis, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Saturday, Russian news agencies reported.

- China is cooperating and putting the screws on North Korea.

- The UN Secretary and Euro countries are getting UN Ambassador Haley and Trumps message loud and clear about unfair treatment of Israel. And relations with Israel have never been better!

- The glory days of Hamas, Hezbollah, and ISIS are OVER!  And Israel and USA security are much better for it.  Europe has gotten the message on the costs of radical Islam in their midst - and the world has started to realize that the only way to solve the refugee crisis is for the refugees to be able to go home to start rebuilding their countries!

- NATO countries have agreed they need to step up to their fair share on defense.

- Unfair trade deals and treaties are being renegotiated. And American manufacturing is coming back.

- Our absurd tax rates and structure is being overhauled. We will go from being one of the least competitive countries to one of the more.

- The unsustainable giant entitlement ACA is near repeal, while better designs for lowering health care costs are being re imagined.

- Plans to raise our failing infrastructure are around the corner.

- The gigantic volume of over regulation which was put in place over the last eight years is being evaluated and unraveled, causing historic leaps in business and consumer confidence and markets.  Big increases in business investment and GDP are inevitable.

- Rather than damaging our energy self-sufficiency options and potential, America is on it's way toward greater energy self-sufficiency and massive export revenues, and the benefits of national security that comes with greater energy independence!

- Trump has welcomed many international leaders to the Whitehouse with positive results.

- We are starting to see wage growth and less UNDER employment.

- We are going to stop forcing people who have a moral or religious belief against abortion to contribute their Federal tax dollars to fund them.

More is to come, and I could go on with the progress in the first 100 day, but it won't matter TO THE LEFT!  Because to the haters, Trump has done nothing or worse, and no matter what he does they will hate him for it. Fortunately, both Houses and the majority of governors know why they were elected, and it surely was not the agenda of the past 8 years!

Obama promised hope and change. Trump is delivering on his promises, and as a result we are getting LONG overdue changes to be hopeful about.

The Left answers with Russian conspiracy theories, obsession with Trump's tax return even after one year's illegally leaked release showed Trump paid more than most Presidents, and violent efforts to restrain free speech and united obstruction in Congress.

While Trump IS making America greater, the Left is looking for him to fail.  The Left would rather for America to be in a disastrous situation than for Trump to succeed. Their mantra is as UN-American as it can get -> "Not My President."