Thursday, May 18, 2017

You Can Beat the Odds, But You can NOT Bring Back the Dead

Democrats never accepted the outcome of the election. Like a death, they have gone through the psychological phases of grief. For some Liberal Jews that even included sitting Shiva, as Jews do just after a funeral, or in this case, the Electoral College decision and Hillary's concession speech.  Then they went into denial with "not me president." Then they moved to anger, which is where we are to today.

That anger is being channeled into fighting. They are looking for anyway possible to turn the tables - to bring back the dead.  But you can't cheat death, and the election will not be reversed. Hopes for evidence that will impeach Trump is wishful thinking.

Once the newly appointed special counsel does his investigation and can not find evidence of either a Russian conspiracy or obstruction of justice, the only question will be whether the Democrats are ready to move on to the next phase -> acceptance.

But let's not fool ourselves. That will never happen.  Democrats will never accept the death of the Clinton's political rein, Hillary's failed run for the presidency, or their chance to retake the Senate in 2018!  So they are doubling down on Russia.  But here is the thing about doubling down . . . You can win big, but you can also lose big!  Democrats like their odds.  Just like they did going into the election!

If Trump has showed us one thing it is this -> Do not bet against Trump!  He loves a good fight - his motto is never quit.  And he is nothing if he is not one to beat the odds!

Trump went to Washington against all the odds.  And he LOVES a good fight, especially against the left media.  And the more the left all gang up on him, the more it will mobilize his base.

Ultimately, the Republicans and Conservatives will come to the obvious reality, that they will lose everything they've worked so hard to win if they don't circle the wagons and rally behind Trump.  That is the next chapter in the circus that is Washington DC.

For now, with a special counsel appointed for the Russian conspiracy investigation it sure would be nice to let him do his job, the investigation, while Congress gets back to our countries real problems: An uncompetitive tax structure, a broken and unsustainable health care system, failing infrastructure, unfair trade deals, national security and threats from North Korea, Iran, and Radical Islam, a worldwide refugee crisis, slow growth -- ALL THE ISSUES TRUMP RAN ON AND WAS SENT TO WASHINGTON DC TO ADDRESS!

The Democrats will continue to try to bring back the dead with their double down impeachment bet.  And once the Republicans and Conservatives consider want they stand to lose, they will "call" the Democrats double down bet against Trump. That translates into the Republicans and Conservatives regrouping and refocusing their efforts to move their legislative agenda through congress while they have the majority.

With the renewed conviction that will come to the Right, in response to the Democrats efforts to resurrect the dead by killing the POTUS, Trump will again defy the odds.  Trump will show again why you do not bet against Trump.  Trump went to Washington to serve a purpose -- now is the time to get that purpose done.