Thursday, June 1, 2017

All For One - Praying for the President

The world is about to get a lot hotter, but it won't be because President Trump pulls out of the Paris Agreement.  The Paris Climate Agreement won't change the climate in a meaningful way. (Click here for an explanation on that.) But NOT signing the Embassy Waiver will rock the world and heat up USA and Muslim tensions around the World!

To sign, or not to sign?  That is the question!
Paris Climate Agreement - That's a tough one for political and business reasons, but NOT for climate reasons!
Jerusalem Embassy Waiver - That's a rough one.

It is the 6 month deadline for the required waiver to stave off the automatic move of the USA Embassy back to Jerusalem.  What remarkable timing of events.  Because it is also Shavuot, the religious holiday when Jews celebrate the anniversary of the gift/acceptance of the Ten Commandments/the Torah.  So, on Shavuot, President Trump has a very big decision to make! To sign, or not to sign?

What would the great King David do?
King David was born and died on Shavuot. To King David there would be no question that Jerusalem is the heart center, the capital of Israel.  The great Temple in question would stand in all it's glory as a testament to that historical fact. Is it just a coincidence that the decision to sign the "6 month waiver" to keep the USA Embassy from moving back to Jerusalem falls on Shavuot?  Is it just a coincidence that the President's daughter and closest council, Ivanka is a convert, like Ruth? (Jews read the Book of Ruth on Shavuot.)

IT all must be Bershert!
Beshert means "inevitable" or "preordained." Is there Divine providence with the Embassy Move?  It sure seems to me that there are the finger prints.

But the Rabbi's teach us that there can be more than one beshert, from the choices and actions we take. That is why we must pray for and ask for wisdom to know, and the conviction to make the right choices.  That is also why I for one am praying for our President.

I am not praying for the President to sign OR not sign the waiver.  I am not praying for him to stay in the Paris Agreement, or to pull out.  I am praying for him to receive the wisdom of King Solomon and the courage of King David to make the right decisions.  I am praying for our President to succeed!   We need our President to succeed.  Wishing for President Trump to fail is wishing for America to fail.  NO political Party should wish for that!

There are those trying to bring down the President.  They are doing it every day in every way.  Many are people with an audience, in the news and entertainment.  I can not support that.  I did not want Obama to fail.  And I prayer that Trump does not fail. Israel depends on America's strength.  As does the world.
So we all need to pray for Trump!  All for one, one for all.