Tuesday, July 4, 2017

4th of July Thought ... The Pursuit of Justice

4th of July thought ...

What is a Nation?  Is it not a people's pursuit of justice?  Think about it.  Whether founded in search for a better life, or fought for through revolution, a country is born from the passionate pursuit of our inalienable rights. Rights that we are born with. Rights that in America are protected, not given, by our Founding Fathers.

In Deuteronomy 16:20 it says, "Justice, justice shall you pursue!"

According to one Midrash the Torah begins and ends with an act of loving kindness. According to another the whole Torah rests on justice; and with justice it will end: Not until just judgment has come, on the one hand, for the poor and the meek, and on the other, for the wicked, will it be possible for the wolf to dwell with the lamb. (Isa. 11:4-6)"

"All need love in justice since justice alone would destroy them."

The following verse, from the Rabbinical text Pirkei Avot, the Teachings of the Sages, encapsulates Judaism’s attitude toward pursuing social justice and change in our world.

Lo alecha hamlachah ligmor, v’lo ata ben chorin l’hibateil mimenah.
You are not obliged to finish the task, neither are you free to neglect it.

While we are not expected to single-handedly solve the problems of society, we are responsible for contributing in some way.  Our Torah, Talmud and other Jewish texts provide a litany of exact instructions relating to prayer, food preparation and other tasks that are core to the Jewish tradition. Yet we have very few directives on social justice, other than that we should pursue it. How, then, do we respond to our "task"?

The answer, in my opinion, is embodied in the text from Deuteronomy, that is the basis for this post -- by the never-ending pursuit of justice, with love.  But this begs the question, what is love?  Is a judge to love the defendant?  Is a victim to love their assailant?

YES, I say.  Love is the ability to empathize, to understand, to be compassionate.  I do not want to live in a world that decides on justice without love. When I think of America, I think of Nation with a giant loving heart BORN out of the passionate pursuit of Justice.  SO, happy birthday America ... and have a Happy 4th of July everyone!!