Saturday, November 11, 2017


There are opinion polls that rate the President' approval and Congress's approval.  By those measures it is fair to say that the public can't stand Trump and hate Congress even more.  Trump has an historically bad ranking.  I frankly don't care much for those two polls for a few reasons, none of which has to do with Trump's low score. I simply don't think those polls matter much. Here is what does . . .


"Public perception of the direction of the country has been strongly negative for years. In late summer of 2016, the feeling that we were moving in the wrong direction reached the high-60s, while less than 25% felt we were heading the right way. In the most recent polls,  31.1% feel that the country is moving in the "right direction."  So the poll is moving in the right direction, even those nearly 70% of the country still does not believe the country is.

The following BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC data are MORE telling than the POLITICAL OPINION POLLS:
- Consumer Confidence
- Business (small, medium and large) Confidence
- Wages and Household Income
- Corporate Earnings
- Labor Force Participation

All of these metrics are doing great since Trump has been elected. And so long as this data continue to improve I could give less than too hoots about the POLITICAL OPINION polls about Trump.  The same same pollsters gave the election to Hillary in a landslide.

(If you think the recent November election outcomes in the VA and NJ suggest otherwise, I disagree.  But my explanation would get me off into a different set of issues which I simply don't feel like going into here.)