Friday, March 1, 2019


Democrats are doing whatever it takes to gain power.  But it all may be shooting themselves in the foot for the 2020 Presidential election.

Democrats have gone from Russian collusion, to a coup attempt, to illegal hush money, to obstruction of justice, to tax evasion -- in order to overthrow the election results.  Remember what Hillary said during the election debates about how important it was to except the results of the election? Obviously, for Democrats, that only applies if Hillary won. 

The Star Witnesses:
- A fake dossier by a discredited foreign spy paid for by Hillary Clinton.
- A group of deep state state partisans who are being outed and removed from the DOJ and the FBI.
- A Porn Star and her creepy lawyer who stole her group funded money.
- A convicted liar and cheat on his way to prison for his own crimes.

Gosh, you'd think Democrats would be too tired by now.  Or that they would realize that this President is going to serve out his term.

Maybe they have realized he is not going to be removed from office prior to the 2020 election.  So now the focus is shifting to preventing Trump's re-election.

But here is the irony of all this.  Most people knew what a creep Trump was when he was elected.  But fewer people ever imagined he would be as successful once he was President.

Plus at this point, the Democrats play book is wide open.  It is plain to see several things about Democratic politics and strategy.  Between the way they weaponized the IRS, DOJ and FBI, the Kavanaugh hearing, the proven Leftist media bias and the obsessed hate by the Hollywood elite, the public has seen the ruthless nature and extent that Democrats will go for power.

Further, the hypocrisy and criminality of the Clinton's is still unsettled. Investigators are gaining and evidence has mounted to the point that it would seem inevitable for there not to be a grand jury indictment. There is a good chance of that being a backdrop to the 2020 election.

Finally, the crazy Socialist policies coming out, coupled with the stunning immortality of end-of-term and even at-birth abortions, blatant anti-Semitism and anti-Israel rhetoric, has all distanced the Party from many in their party.  Moderate Democrats can hardly recognize their party.  Even lifelong cardholders such as Blacks, Hispanics and gays have started to #WalkAway and #Brexit from the party. Keep in mind that elections swing on small segments. Last but not least, once reliable extremely wealthy donors to the Democratic party have to question their support.

So the irony is that as the Democratic party is doing whatever it takes to get rid of Trump, they may just be giving Trump his best chance for 4 more years.

Ultimately, if this economy continues to strengthen, we get out and stay out of wars, N.Korea doesn't go backwards, the Middle East grows more peaceful, NATO funding is increased and more balanced, the United Kingdom proves that Globalists had a lesson coming, China gives up a better trade deal, manufacturing continues to return, and the USA is more safe and secure, it will not matter what Democrats do.

Trump will get himself elected again because he will have managed to fulfill his Trumped-up campaign promises.  Thanks to all the #winning Trump will have actually achieved his primary promise that is printed on those Red Hats that Democrats call racist.  And the voters are much more apt to believe what Trump chooses to print on his 2020 hats!