Sunday, September 15, 2019

3 Days, 3 years - My Personal Jonah Story

They who cling to empty folly Forsake their own welfare. Jonah 2:10.                     
"But I, with loud thanksgiving,
Will sacrifice to You;
What I have vowed I will perform.
Deliverance is the LORD’S!"
From Book of Jonah

It was three days in the belly before God put Jonah back on land to perform what he was commanded. It was three days walk across the great city of Nineveh that Jonah was called to declare would face "JUDGMENT" and be overthrown in 40 days.

On Sunday September 29th it will be the three year anniversary of the Taslich when I elevated my middle name Jonah.  Three years since this.

Three years since I raised my awareness and opened my mind and heart to find a even greater understanding of God. Three more years of studying and searching.

What did I find? What have I personally discovered?  I have found more than I imagined when I began.  What I found has enabled me to write the last chapter in my personal midrash about The Book of Jonah.

In the Book of Jonah, the evil Assyrians repent and God does not overthrow the city.  It would seem that the story is about Repentance and Forgiveness.  So it is very fitting that Jews tell the Book of Jonah on Yom Kippur, the Hebrew Day of Atonement.

Nearly all my life I believed that there was something not quite right about how the Rabbis were interpreting the Book of Jonah.  The message and meaning was incomplete.  There was something profoundly missing.

I have been on a lifelong journey to complete the story.  For me, that journey took on a much deeper and more spiritual purpose when I did Taslich 3 years ago -- When I cast off "fear" on the water, and asked friends to call me by my middle name Jonah for the first time.

That moment, captured by someone who sent me the photo you see above was truly an amazing spiritual and intimate experience with God.  I felt different.  I became different.  But I didn't know where my heart, God was leading me.

"The Lord has given a command concerning you, Nineveh:    “You will have no descendants to bear your name. I will destroy the images and idols that are in the temple of your gods.I will prepare your grave, for you are vile.”"
Very Soon I plan to write the 5th chapter in my midrash based on my understanding of the Jonah story. When I do I will share on my blog.

I will publish that during the High Holy Days.  It has yet to be "penned."  Besides, I want to be open to more meaning and greater blessings between now and the Holiday.  Whatever they may be. Deliverance is the Lord's!  (Baruch HaShem.)

Please pray with me.