Saturday, December 7, 2019



What Hillary, Biden, Brennan, Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler and others leading the efforts to overthrow Trump, by every means possible, fear is being exposed for abuses of power and corruption that they know they are guilty of.

I used to think that Trump Derangement Syndrome was a static state with various degrees of affliction.  But now it is apparent that it is chronic and progressive - it advances. In other words, if not treated it grows increasingly worse.  Now I  understand why ... hate increases as the risk of what we fear increases.

Two fears are increasing. The first fear is the more common and public.  It is the fear which Democrats have that their candidates for President are terrible and that Trump is superior.  In short, it is the fear that Trump will win re-election.

The second fear is limited to a more narrow group of Washington insiders and Deep Staters.  This is the greater and more dangerous fear and hate!  This is also the group that has the most to fear from Trump's re-election!!

The average public is unaware of the extent of Washington corruption. But Trump has targeted them - he uses two terms to describe two different but related groups: "The Swamp" and the "Corrupt Fake News."  Both groups are fighting back hard.  They are fighting for their lives. Their level of fear and thus their hate is increasing as their sensed risk of being exposed is increasing. Those feelings are peaking at this time because they are starting to realize that the RECKONING has begun and their DESTRUCTION is coming.

As AG Barr, US Attorney Durham, IG Horowitz, Rudy Giuliani  and others get closer to exposing the real crimes of corruption and abuse of power in Washington, the "Haters" are growing increasingly fearful and therefore hateful. As they do, their actions become more extreme and their behaviors more bizarre.  Witness Biden and Pelosi!!

The same can be said of the Corrupt Fake News as they are exposed for their cover ups and failure to cover the views and accusations of Conservatives.

One way to understand TDS and how it effects people is to learn about the psychology of hate.  Here are some key points. What follows in this post is purely psychology with NO political connection intended by the professionals:

1) Behavioral researcher Patrick Wanis explains, “Hatred is driven by two key emotions of love and aggression: One love for the in-group—the group that is favored; and two, aggression for the out-group—the group that has been deemed as being different, dangerous, and a threat to the in-group.”

2) Fear of Ourselves - According to Washington, D.C., clinical psychologist Dana Harron, the things people hate about others are the things that they fear within themselves. She suggests thinking about the targeted group or person as a movie screen onto which we project unwanted parts of the self. The idea is, “I'm not terrible; you are.”

This phenomenon is known as "projection," a term coined by Freud to describe our tendency to reject what we don’t like about ourselves.

Psychologist Brad Reedy further describes projection as our need to be good, which causes us to project "badness" outward and attack it: "We developed this method to survive, for any 'badness' in us put us at risk for being rejected and alone. So we repressed the things that we thought were bad (what others told us or suggested to us that was unlovable and morally reprehensible) — and we employ hate and judgment towards others. We think that is how one rids oneself of undesirable traits, but this method only perpetuates repression which leads to many mental health issues.

3) Lack of Self-compassion - The antidote to hate is compassion — for others as well as ourselves.

Self-compassion means that we accept the whole self. “If we find part of ourselves unacceptable, we tend to attack others in order to defend against the threat,” says Reedy. “If we are okay with ourselves, we see others’ behaviors as ‘about them’ and can respond with compassion. If I kept hate in my heart for [another], I would have to hate myself as well. It is only when we learn to hold ourselves with compassion that we may be able to demonstrate it toward others.”

I am well aware that people who vehemently disagree with me are apt to think I fail to see how this explanation of "projection" can be turned on me. And that I am one who is projecting.  Such is the futility of today's debate. Everyone is accusing the other of the same thing. Round and round we go.

Coming Back To Today's Politics in my opinion:
The hate is reaching a crescendo with the impeachment trial.  The Senate hearings and AG AG Barr will start to truly expose the reasons for the fears.

Coinciding with the impeachment hearings will be the release of the IG Report as well as findings from US Attorney Durham's investigation.

It is about to get totally TDS crazy!

The RECKONING has begun.

Recommended article.