Monday, December 2, 2019



Before I explain that outrageous remark, I have to preface it with the following thoughts.

I have been saying for many months that a "RECKONING was taking place that would lead to "DESTRUCTION and REBIRTH. "

When I say DESTRUCTION and REBIRTH what I am alluding to is the greatest Constitutional challenge since the USA Constitutional Convention of 1789.

When the truth is known about how our own government weaponized the greatest justice and Intelligence powers our country possesses, the CIA, FBI, DOJ under the watchful eye of Obama and his Attorney General in cooperation with Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party and a complicit mainstream press, in order to turn a Presidential election, our Nation's attention must turn to what President Trump has been saying for nearly 2 years.


Abraham Lincoln was prophetic about this.  Lincoln said "Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant to step the ocean and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies . . . could not by force . . .  At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer. If it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time or die by suicide."

I need to remind you of AG Barr's testimony about the Mueller investigation. Barr said "There was spying, the question is whether it was predicated." That statement by Barr foreshadowed what will prove to be the most significant criminal investigation in America's political history.

Establishing "predilection" runs to the heart of the fraud that has been perpetrated against America and Americans.

I believe US Attorney Durham's criminal investigation will reveal that the spying was NOT predicated!!

Rather, the Russian Hoax was a premeditated crime based on a manufactured seditious counterintelligence plot to alter the results of a Presidential election.

(The Deep State and certain Democrats know it and they realize how devastating the truth will be to them. So they have been desperately trying to cover up that crime with bogus impeachment efforts ever since Trump was elected.)

AG Barr will show that top officials in our government and the Deep State in cooperation with Hillary Clinton and the DNC's bought and paid for phony Steele Dossier, are responsible for criminal acts which will go down in history as the single greatest threat to the American Constitution since our Nation's founding.

Now let me explain how Anthony Wiener's penis comes into the story. (Pardon the pun.)

CIA Director Brennan and all the co-conspirators nearly got away with their seditious plan.  But two things happened which the criminals never could have expected:

1. Anthony Wiener's dic-pic exposed more than his penis. When police were investigating his sex crime they discovered Hillary's confidential emails on Huma Abedin laptop. Huma was Hillary Clinton's vice chairwoman for her 2016 campaign and her personal assistant. So it was Wiener's wiener that led to Comey's infamous decision to reopen his investigation into Clinton's email scandal. Which in turn may have changed the course of the election.

If Trump had lost, there never would have been an AG Barr and the Durham investigation.

2. Despite all the polls predicting Trump would lose - Trump won!

US Attorney Dunhan and AG Barr are getting to the bottom of this.
The RECKONING has begun.
