Thursday, September 3, 2020


There are many reasons not to vote for Joe Biden. You are looking at two of them.

The fact that Joe Biden will restore the awful Iran deal is one. His views on China is another. He even bragged about his corruption in Ukraine.

In today's dangerous world, effective foreign policy is a matter of life and death!!! China is the greatest threat on the planet, but it is one of many. Biden has been wrong on foreign policy time & again.

The list of reasons is long and many of them are reasons alone to not vote for Biden. Ironically, many of those who plan to vote for Biden agree with me. They also share concerns for Biden's obvious mental capacity issues.

Chances are you didn't support Biden the last two times he ran for President. VERY VERY FEW DID!! And that's when he was a Capitalist, as well mentally fit for the Office.

Furthermore, many of the folks who plan to vote for Biden actually are more in favor of the Republican platform than today's radically Left Democrat platform.

Yet, people plan to vote for a Biden anyway. Why?? You know why -- Because he is not Trump. In other words, many of those who plan to vote for Biden aren't voting FOR Biden, they're voting against Trump.

Regardless of how well the economy was doing before China unleashed the virus on the world, I want my Jewish friends to realize this.
No matter how much you HATE Trump, there is no question that ISRAEL is FAR better off and safer today than it was during the Obama/Biden years. And as bad as it was then, Obama wasn't taking his marching orders from Bernie Sanders and AOC.

Biden's platform is closely aligned with and patterned after Bernie's. AOC and the SQUAD with Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tliab's influence are obvious as well.

Let's think about this on another level . . .

One can not separate Jews from the Torah. We are of the Book! The Torah is our people's story. The "Jewish Nation" was born in the Five Books of Moses. It is where Jews come from. If there was no Torah, there would be no Jews. It is truly that simple.

In a few weeks, most Jews will be in Temple for the High Holy Days. We will be atoning and praying. We will say, "next year in Jerusalem" and ask God to "inscribe us in the Book of Life for another year."

I respectfully ask you to consider, as you pray, whether your vote in November should be based on who you hate? Will you vote for a man with so many debatable policy positions out of your hate?

Surely you understand that Israel's safety and hope's for peace are in better hands by staying on the current course.

As a Jew, if the Land of Israel that God promised our people matters, vote to protect it. Biden and Sanders have given us more than sufficient reasons to believe that they will not.