Tuesday, December 29, 2020


"Mark this well, you proud men of action: You are nothing but the unwitting agents of the men of thought who often, in quiet self-effacement, mark out most exactly all your doings in advance." Heinrich Heine*

The first step of a New World Order is to destroy and reconstruct the history of the past. 

 And so it begins . . .

The Great Reset is a proposal by the World Economic Forum (WEF) to rebuild the economy "sustainably" following the COVID-19 pandemic. It was unveiled in May 2020 by the United Kingdom's Prince Charles and WEF director Klaus Schwab.

Ultimately, this New Order will involve a new system for transactions including a different monetary system.  The dollar will be removed as the world currency and a new digital system for currency will be put in place.  Part of what is happening in sight but out of view is the destruction of the dollar. That requires a much longer explanation than this post provides. Surfice to say we will be forced to take the "mark of the beast."

The globalist have been ttying to establish a New World Order using climate change. With their efforts stalled by Trump, they took a new and far more nefarious tact. They exploited a pandemic begun by China. The Globalist and the CCP will ultimately come to blows in the End of Days, but they share a common foe - Donald J Trump. 

Biden's campaign slogan, "Build Back Better" comes straight out of the playbook of the Great Reset.

The Great Reset isn't just creating a "New World Order" with the Wealthy elite truly in control. It is also rewriting history.  The iconoclasm we've seen the last few years is but a glimpse of what's ahead.  The Left is going to do a full rollout of the 1619 Project.

It is nearly a certainty that some on the Left have started a list and every Trump supporter is on it. Vengance and revenge go hand-in-hand. Some have already said as much. And every Trump hater hopes as much.  Like during the Holocaust, Jews' friends and neighbors enthusiastically reported on them.

Heinrich Heine

“History is written by the victors” and the Left is wasting no time. They are doing so with both urgency and a vengeance. 

"Wherever they burn books, in the end will also burn human beings." - Heinrich Heine* 1821

Hitler burned Heine's books. Socialists and Communist don't just rewrite history. They also destroy it.  They want to destroy the past so we have no references to it. 

Without a deserved Nobel Peace prize or positive mainstream coverage of any of Trump's accomplishments, it won't take the Left long to obliterate the past and truth that goes along with it. Google, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook will do their part clearing the slate. 

PREDICTION: Once Trump is out of the way, Jared Kushner with be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for the Abraham Accords. Watch Jared Kushner and what he does to his father-in-law's legacy.  Betrayal?  Or much worse? 

It will be as though the Pre-China virus economic boom which Trump created never happened.  Lest we forget Trump's prediction for 2021 to be the greatest year ever.  

The virus and every death won't be China's fault, it will be Trump's.  Even credit for the vaccine will be given to Biden. The economy that Trump created is irrelevant because now it will be credited to Democrats and their stimulus. 

The Left will have fools believing the last 4 years without wars, troops coming home and Arab nations making historic peace agreements with Israel were dangerous. The Left will say the world is peaceful under their watch as we bend over again to Iran and China. 

Biden is a puppet. Biden's only role is to read a script. Soon he won't even be able to do that. That's when Obama's choice for President, Kamala, steps in.There are so many more falsehoods. But the biggest lie of all is the Biden is the leader.  

But lest you think the faces in this graphic are in charge either. The Obama's and the Clinton's are more powerful than them and they are not in charge either. The people in charge meet in Davos! But even they answer to Satan. 

If January 6th goes as planned, it will be the start of a frightening new world order. The Great Reset may be the end of the Great American Experiment.  

If the Globalist Elite are successful at creating a New World Order the last hope isn't the Electoral vote challenge that will be raised on the floor on 1/6/21; it is the Messiah.  Because ultimately, God is in charge and heaven will not help those who haven't feared the Lord. Now is a time for repentance. 🙏Hashivenu Adonai🙏

"Wild, dark times are rumbling toward us, and the prophet who wishes to write a new apocalypse will have to invent entirely new beasts, and beasts so terrible that the ancient animal symbols of St. John will seem like cooing doves and cupids in comparison."  Heinrich Heine* the 1842


🙏PSALM 91🙏

*Born into a family of assimilated German Jews in 1797, Essayist, journalist and poet Christian Johann Heinrich Heine is considered one of the most significant German romantic poets.