Saturday, December 26, 2020


Otto von Guericke

Prussian physicist, engineer, and philosopher


Trump sucked all the air out of the room. His absence creates a powerful a leadership vaccum. 


Obama, Hillary and a host of globalist elites will exploit the leadership vaccum created by Trump's absence followed by Biden's phony and incompetent leadership.  Biden couldn't even campaign, let alone handle agressive questions in a real press conference of pressers asking the hard questions. The Marxist BLM leadership, the anti-Israel Squad, Communist Biden Bro's and all the Soros activists will be crawling over one another to get into Biden's White House to fill his leadership vaccum.

The evil forces of China, Russia, Iran and others that Trump kept bottled up are going to all flex their muscle the moment Trump Presidential seal is broken. 

As if that weren't enough, legal challenges and lawsuits galore are going to dog the Biden Administration. Unlike with Trump and cases like a porn star who sought to violate her non-disclosure agreement and a Russian hoax, the cases against the Biden and Clinton crime families have actual serious felony evidence. 

Biden's Presidency is going to be a shit show. The corrupt mainstream media is going to have a hell of job trying to disguise the truth.  But we all know they'll do their job of NOT doing their job.

And when Biden resigns and Kamala is President, forget about it.

Millions of Trump haters who believe the end justifies the means and are looking forward to 2021 are going to have a revelation. The future they wished for is a frightening thing indeed.  Because there is ONE force more powerful than a vacuum or anything else. 

Trump haters should appreciate that it is one thing to steal an election and another to govern a nation which has ~50% of population that believes they were robbed.  Especially when they actually were. 

As the writer of this article explains, the Left set out to steal the first election from Bernie Sanders in order to ensure an easy victory over Trump in 2016. But Trump lit the USA map Red and shocked the world!  Peter Strzok's imfamous "Plan B" failed. So the Left, along with China and Russia, as well as the Deep State, decided to take no chances in the 2020 election. The solution, a "junk mail" election. And to pull that off, China supplied the justification by way of a virus. 

Between illegal Biden votes, disappearing Trump votes and blowing up the Trump economy it was in the bag -- "don't concede under any circumstances," ordered Hillary to Biden.  The mainstream media has always had Biden's back. They have been accomplices in every plot to remove Trump since he beat out 17 Primary opponents in 2016.

1 million, 2 million or even 30 million virus deaths worldwide is NOTHING to the CCP that oppresses 1.4 billion people and forces them to believe that their Communist Party is the Supreme power and destined to rule the world. Any Covid death toll is a pittance of a price to pay for the CCP to remove the one man standing in the gap to slowdown the CCP's ambitious plans - Donald J. Trump. 

What will fill the leadership vaccum which Trump leaves behind is everything that Trump stood against: regulations, taxes, bigger government, illegal immigration, unfair trade, national security risks, China, globalists, high drug prices, etc.  The list is much longer.  

With a vaccum, great pressure builds up pushing to get in. When a vaccum seal is broken the air rushes in.