Friday, January 8, 2021


On January 21, 2021 Donald J Trump will not be my President and Joe Biden will be. And again, I will pray that my President succeeds.  Because my prayers are for our Nation. 

I went to our Nation's Capital this week to pray for America and to stand up for the Constitution. 

That's me freezing my tushi off
in the wind & cold and trying
to stay warm. LOL. 

I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 for all the reasons he will not be President on January 21, 2021.  I also did not vote for Joe Biden who will be. And I certainly didn't vote for Kamala Harris who may be. 

Ironically, Trump exceeded my expectations wildly from a policy standpoint. He kept his promises and earned my vote in 2020.  But before I go any further I am going to pull back, because this post is NOT about policies. 

I have been trying to figure out how I feel about all this - the election, this past week, etc.  I decided to stop feeling. That's right, I decided I want to stop having feelings about politics because they are overwhelming. There are too many feelings, they conflict and cancel themselves out.  They overload my brain and exhaust me. So I decided stop having them. I will see how that goes. 

Imagine watching a cook scrambling eggs in a pan for you. Now imagine that cook proceeded to add every seasoning in your spice cabinet. Would you eat the dish? But instead those seasonings are feelings and Presidential politics is a dish I'm refusing to eat.  Perhaps a better dish will be prepared in the future. 

Donald Trump is pure Donald Trump. People love him and hate him for it. And that IS fine!  The problem comes about when we as a nation start to hate one another for who we support as President. 

America did this in 2016, in 2012 when Obama was elected for his second term, and in 2000 when Bush two ran.  President's come and go. History will be their judge.  The future will tell whether their policies made America greater or not. 

Hate is the road to hell.  And the media has blood on it's hands.

The media promotes hate because they profit from it. They fuel our hate and help us nurture our grudge. They encourage us to take the hate deep into our hearts. We are so perverted by hate that it is no wonder that sins come from it.  Coveting power and bearing false witness are par for the course America is on. Who can we trust?

Americans have been hating one another for so long it is hard to remember when we loved one another. It is hard to remember when we were "our brother's keeper." And judging from the loud voices in Washington and in the media today, we are going to keep on hating.  BUT NOT ME!

Though I am a scapegoat for some, I offer my other cheek. I refuse to be dragged into the vindictive hate feeding frenzy happening in America today. 

Don't take that to mean that I will stop fighting for what I believe is right.  While the odds are slim, if Biden pursues policies that I believe in then I will vote for him in 2024. 

What broke into the Capital on the 6th was America. It was our brothers and sisters. Ashli Babbitt, the 35 year old military veteran who was killed along with three others is our sister. And her blood is crying out.

What happened on 1/6/21 at the Capital was Trump's fault. It was also Nancy Pelosi's fault. It was very much the media's fault. It was America's fault. But make no mistake -- it was America's Godless enemy of Communism's doing.  

That which seeks to divide us is the true enemy.  What Lincoln said in his famous "Divided House speech" should be resonating all over America today.  Sadly his words are but a whisper. And worse still are the loud voices of blasphemous hypocrites. We would do well to read Lincoln's 1863 Proclamation and to heed Washington's Farewell warning letter. 

The attack on our Capital building could have been avoided. But it may just be the wake up call that America needed. It may be the spiritual shacking that Americans need.  

Jonah warned Nineveh!

The enemy breached the gates of our country on 09.11.01. Nineteen years later, in 2020, a plague spread across our nation and the world. And on January 6, 2021 the holy of American holies was breached.

Wake up America!  The enemy wants to divide us. The enemy prosecutes with lies & deception.  The enemy is a Democrat and a Republican.  The enemy steals itself inside ALL of us and seeks to turn our hearts to stone.  

America is being tested. If we fail and continue on our Godless road of hate, America's future is terribly grim. If we turn on neighbor and take out our vengance through persecution, judgment will come down on us and our nation.

Nothing less than our Covenant is at stake. If America sinks the world will have lost the Rock we have been in world affairs and Evil will rise up and consume us. 

🙏PSALM 91🙏