Saturday, January 9, 2021


When there is confusion, fear, anger and other factors which diminish clear thinking, it is important "how" one thinks. I am refering to the process. 

It helps to seek out individuals with great intellect and character. Sadly, those individuals are rarely found in the mainstream media. They have sold out - they are purchased assets.

Most of the time, politicians with an agenda see the world as black or white. They are right and the other side is wrong. 

Any who study history find that the truth is far more nuanced.  The truth is further complicated by the fact that so many are trying to manipulate it.

Thinking is hard work and takes time. Unfortunately, people are naturally lazy and impatient.  The hardest thing to do is to rise above yourself. 

What we have today is a formula for a massive miscalculation!!

One can count on Dennis Prager for wise, rational, calm and thoughtful remarks.  It's pretty common knowledge that he is highly Conservative. 

Dr. Prager is in the process of writing individual commentaries on each of the five Books of Moses (The Torah). This is more than an enormous undertaking. It requires a brilliant mind who has spent a lifetime studying scripture and has several other profound traits to even attempt such a monumental task. Dr. Prager has completed Genesis and Exodus. They are an excellent resource.  Coincidentally, the Orthodox rabbi who I study Torah with is also in the process of accomplishing this feat. He too is on the third book of the Bible.

In this video Dr.Prager documents his reaction to the Capital breakin, and so much more. He does an excellent job of explaining the moral distinction that is swept under the rug by the mainstream. 

I urge you to listen through to the end of this live Fireside Chat video including the excellent Q&A at the end.

NOTE: During this live unedited recording there is a section near the beginning with a scratchy audio. When that starts fast forward to 12.05

Let me add this:

“History doesn't repeat itself, but It often rhymes” – Mark Twain.

Will history show that what happened at the Capital on the 6th rhymes with the Reichstag Fire?

These are most dangerous times in our Nation. 


🙏PSALM 91🙏