Saturday, January 2, 2021



It appears that Donald Trump is about to walk out of the White House.  As he walks off the political stage he leaves quit the leadership vacuum.  Who will rush in to fill that and what policy changes do they bring?

2021 is the year the CCP and Globalist such as Soros, got what they wished for. It's the year Marxist and Socialist (A.K.A. the Radical Left) start to "build back better." It's the year we start to appease Iran again.

Biden says he is going to undo everything Trump has done.  Let's see, what that might be?

  • Will he tear down the 400 miles of border wall and stop deporting violent illegal aliens?  Will the rivers of undocumented homeless start pouring in again?
  • Will he let NATO off the hook again for their under payments? 
  • Will he stop pursuing intellectual property theft by China? 
  • Will he look the other way as the CCP tortures, murders and enslaves the Chinese, and now Hong Kong and next Taiwan?
  • Will he go back to being dependent on others for energy and high gas & oil prices?
  • Will he pile back on all the regulations that were strangling business and making the USA uncompetitive?
  • Will he continue let US drug companies charge Americans many times more than they charge in other countries?
  • Will he tear up the Abraham Accord?
  • Will he betray Israel in the United Nations?
  • Will he send our soldiers go back to wars?
  • Will he stop putting American's interests first?
  • Will he support tearing down Monuments?


The CCP unleashed a virus that killed millions worldwide and destroyed the world economy in order to stop the one world leader standing in the gap against the CCP's stated goal to dominate the world.

The Globalist played right along and exploited the virus to take down the one world leader fighting for Sovereignty -- individual National identity and pride every where around the world. They seek a New World Order. 

The wealthy corporate elite who meet in Davos are the winners too. Their fortunes have grown enormously during the pandemic.

Globalist and the wealthy elite all profit off the slave labor that the CCP provides. Communism, Globalist and the Elite are all in bed with one another. That is until after they topple American capitalism and the American spirit. Then they will be at war with one another. That will be the apocalypse. 

Communism, Globalist and the elite are the real winners in the 2021 election. The Chinese Virus was the first successful biological weapon and it was used to set the stage in order to defeat President Trump. BLM and ANTIFA are just tools they used to sow division and hate - right out of the Communist play book!  

People think 2020 was so bad that it can't get any worse.  Think again ... this is war.

I don't0 think Democrat voters have truly thought through what is at stake. The vast majority have bought the mainstream medias lies and propaganda. They hate Trump so much that "any cost was acceptable" to defeat him.  The truth will come back to haunt them.

As for Pelosi, Schumer and the Deep State, all that matters is power and money. Trump threatened the Washington establishment. He was dead on on arrival.


Fortunately there are still tens of millions of patriotic Americans who know what is at stake. They refuse to let all those who died to win and keep our freedom and the Liberties die in vien. 

In 1941 evil forces in the world awoke a sleeping giant when they attacked America. The giant is awakened again. 

God has a Covenant with this Nation. This New Year, my wish is that God heard our prayers. HASHIVENU ADONAI!

The shaking isn't over. It's just begun

🙏PSALM 91🙏