Sunday, July 4, 2021

1776 AND 2021

In the 1760s, Britain was deep in debt, so British Parliament imposed a series of taxes on American colonists to help pay those debts. The Sons of Liberty responded with the Boston Tea Party in 1773. 

Desperate for tax revenue the government continued to impose more taxes. 

Naturally, the citizens became rebellious. And the government became increasingly harsh on the citizens. 

In response to the Boston Tea Party, the British government decided that it had to tame the rebellious colonists in Massachusetts. In the spring of 1774, Parliament passed a series of laws including the Coercive Acts and cracked down harder on resistance.  

England continued to overreach on citizens rights. The government increasingly pressed down on rebels.  This caused the rebellious spirit of the freedom loving  colonies to grow.  On April 19, 1775, during Passover, the first shots of the Revolutionary War were fired.  (The shot heard round the world.")

The birth of the Nation of Israel (the children of Jacob) and the birth of our nation, America, both started on Passover. 

In that day, the people we consider the Patriots who founded America in 1776 were considered rebels and traitors by the ruling government. 

When you step back and think about it, one of the major underlying causes for the American Revolution was a debt and taxes. Wealth redistribution creates a dynamic which leads to the loss of freedom. The loss of freedom leads to rebellion.  

It could be said that what America witnessed on January 6th 2021 was ultimately in some sense about "taxation without representation." There are tens of millions of Americans, and many times more non-Americans, who believe that the election was stolen. Most Americans who do not believe Congress represents them. 

"The most recent polling data from June 2021 puts the approval rating of the United States Congress at 26 percent." Source: Gallup. 

In 1776 the colonists threw off the English government. Today, the threat is foreign forces too.  Marxist Socialist influences today are as un-American as the Crown of England was in 1776. 

America finds itself today in the terrible situation which our Founding Father George Washington warned us about in his famous Farwell Letter.  

Three main warnings in Washington's Farwell Letter. 

Washington believed the greatest danger to the Union, though, stemmed from the combination of factionalism and external invasion. Washington explained that partisanship “open[ed] the door to foreign influence and corruption” because it weakened voters’ abilities to make reasoned and disinterested choices. Rather than choosing the best [men] for office, the people would base decisions on “ill-founded jealousies and false alarms,” and so elect those in league with foreign conspirators.

WOW!!  Sound familiar!  That's what Washington warned. 

One bright light is that our Founders knew the dangers of central government!  They did everything they could to protect us, the citizens, FROM GOVERNMENT!  The years ahead are putting their genius to the test. 

Policies and actions of Progressive Left is challenging our Constitution.  There was even talk of "packing the Supreme Court in order ensure their success. Fortunately the Founders were particularly concerned with the balance of power between states and the Federal government. 

Ultimately, in my opinion, the greatest test of all is whether as a Nation we repent and turn back to God OR continue to fall away. In this regard I'd like to quote Matthew 12:25:

“Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand."