Wednesday, November 24, 2021


One day very soon you are going to look at the sun in a new light.  Actually, the sun has always been a free and available energy source powering life on earth since Bereishit - "In Beginning."

"Then God said, “Let there be light!” and there was light. God saw that the light was good." Genesis 1:3-4

What's new, and also tov (good) is the level of technology with the ability to harness this power in more efficient and practical "mass market" ways.  Are you ready for it? 

First some facts . . .

- The first solar panels from the mid-1950s only reached an efficiency of 2%. 

- 10 years ago, solar panels averaged around 15% efficiency.

- Today's solar panels reach 22% in efficiency 

- Researchers are convinced that we will reach 30% efficiency very soon. 

- There are solar panels in development that will come to market reaching 50% efficiency.

Once we get to >30% efficiency at mass market prices, solar systems will become a far more mainstream means for electricity. I believe demand will soar even more.

Coupled with solar system efficiency, we can expect far more economical and efficient battery (storage) technology. This is crucial to the value and functionality of a robust solar system. In addition, new fast charging technology will greatly decrease the time to recharge vehicles.

As solar demand goes mass market and electricity prices climb rapidly, along with taxes passed through on utility bills, I forsee several impacts. You could call these "predictions" but they are just logical extrapolations: 

 1. Home prices will be effected by their level of viable solar exposure. Here are factors that come into play:

  • Ratio of roof top or ground space with usable southern exposure.
  • Ability to remove shade trees that obstruct the sunlight.
  • The ability to limit the negative aesthetic impact of the solar system.  

2. Community solar systems and solar cooperatives will be much more common. 

3. Commercial roof top solar systems will become common. 

4. Being a skilled solar installer and technician will be a job in very high demand. 

5. Demand for solar systems will have major impacts on general roofing products, systems and methods, as well as labor demand. Certain types of roofs are better than others. Plus, an older roof may require replacement before it can properly accommodate a new solar system.  

6. Homes with excess solar capacity and storage are bound to purchase electric vehicles and lawnmowers. 

7. The desire to "go off the grid" in terms of disconnecting from one's utility company will be a 🔥  topic. Going off the electric grid is not simple and is frought with issues, not just for the homeowner!  Expect many ramifications: political, code, technological, financial, etc.

8. Needless to say, there will be a vast number of ways to invest in the solar boom. Here again you need to be a smart decision maker. 

Energy Independence is a dream one can achieve. If you want to live the dream you have a lot to do to PLAN AHEAD::

Get ahead of the curve and demand:

  • Evaluate your best location and start planning your system location.
  • Prepare your property for a system taking into account the possible need for tree trimming and removal.  
  • Consider doing a solar carport or a ground array.  
  • You may even want to move to a property with more ideal solar potential if your present home has considerable solar limitations. 

Sunny days are ahead . . . Make good use of them! 

Personal note: I have installed 53 solar panels at my home. Half are installed on the roof of my barn. The other half are installed on the roof of the cottage (accessory building) that I constructed for my mom. I submitted a building permit just yesterday to my town in order to erect a carport with a 600 Sq. Ft. shed roof that faces south. Once that is complete I will have a perfect surface for all the panels and battery storage necessary to be entirely energy independent.