Thursday, March 10, 2022



 There are various explanations and interpretations for the symbolic "Z" popping up on Russian military equipment and across Russia.  Some think it represents a "Za pobedy" for victory. Others say it stands for targeting Zapad (West) or even President Zelinsky who is aligned with the West.

The "Z" means what Putin wants it to mean.  It will come to stand for Putin's justification for attacking Ukraine - his primary ambition.  

The "Z" is Putin's swastika. Hitler used the swastika as an emblem to represent unifying the "Aryan race." The "Z" may well be Putin's goal for mother Russia to defeat the West and reunite the lands he believes belong in Russia's orbit.  

Thus the "Z" is symbolic of all three - The Russian race's Victory over the West.

Why now? Because the One World Order is using the pandemic to do a "Global Reset."  Also, the One World Order has the USA President it wanted AND SO DOES Putin! 

The "West" has crossed a line. The western biological weapons labs are too close for Putin's comfort.  The added threat of Western missiles in Ukraine is the last straw. Plus, who is to say that Ukraine doesn't build larger nuclear plants to supply Europe with electricity that can replace Europe's need for Russian oil & gas.  

Putin is on a mission. Putin aims to push back the "One World Order" that Klaus Schwab, Soros and the global elite are seeking. Putin's' mission is his devine spiritual destiny to reclaim Russia. 

BTW, speaking of Hilter and the Aryan race, the name Iran, which was Persia until it declared independence, is derived from "the land of Aryans." The Iranian ayatollah's supported Hitler's efforts to wipe out the Jews in Europe. During WWII, Russia lost 24 million fighting Hiltler's "Ayran race" which too sought to take over Europe.  

The Nazi's dominated Germany, Austria and France during WWII times. Today, Anti-Semitism is on the rise throughout Europe at the same that Germany and France dominate the European Union.  Major new world proponent George Soros certainly has his hooks into Zelinsky who is uber pro-Euro!  Soros has a very controversial past with the Nazis! With Ukraine and the European Union strengthening their relationship, could this be the "Nazification" that Putin is ultimately referring to? 

By the same token, Russia is also part of Asia. Like Russia, China is seeking to overthrow the West's hegemony. No country is watching the battle in Ukraine closer than China!

All the complicated inter-relationships, history and interests are partly why the situation in Ukraine can easily become a world war. In many respects it already is.

No coincedences!!