Monday, May 2, 2022


The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. 
H.L. Mencken

THE YEAR IS 1984. In his novel "1984," George Orwell gave us a frightening glimpse into a dystopian account of a totalitarian state. Advances in technology and data collection make an Orwellian slippery slope even more slippery.

Let's get real . . . 

The Federal Reserve and Central Banks around the world are developing plans to launch Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC). This is the future of "money." 

This isn't your ordinary credit card and it is not Bitcoin. 

Transactions will amount to a transfer of Digital Currency from the buyer's digital wallet account to the seller's.

Will "money" exist in a non-digital form like "cash" does today?  The expectation is that CBDC will replace "cash," which is why there is talk that we are going to a "cashless society." 

In a way today, most money and transactions are already digital. People use credit/debit cards. We pay our bills with ACH and Electronic Transfers. Checks too simply are a means of moving money from one account to another. But there will be distinct differences in the new world monetary system with CBDC. 

The new digital currency will know who it's owner is.  A transfer amounts to the money having a new owner. And since the money is created by Central Banks, the Central banks know the owner of every CBDC "dollar." Injecting money into the economy is a matter of creating more CBDC and assigning ownership. 

In addition to CBDC knowing it's owner, the money will know what what it is being used for. It is kind of like your credit card knowing it is buying gasoline versus a dinner or shoes. Again, Central Banks will know all that too. 

Keep in mind that Central Banks get their authority from the government. They also work in tandem with the Treasury which handles the government's tax reciepts and expenditures.  

As part of President Biden's very recent Executive Order, the Federal government directed the USA Treasury and Federal Reserve to develop plans for implimenting CBDC. One requirement they were given was to make the money "programable."  

The conversion to CBDC brings with it profound societal and personal implications. Some good, some not so good. 

Programable CBDC allows the Government to control the "use" of the money - that means the government can ultimately control "who from, who to and what for" of every CBDC dollar. This allows government to sanction or cut off money going to something, be it a country a company, or a person or a thing (such as diesel fuel). 

Getting nervous yet?  

Where it gets alarming is when government combines all this with the concept of a "social scoring system" such as China has done and other governments are considering. 

Programable CBDC introduces a means by which governments can control spending down to the individual.  Therefore, if the Federal government decides that individuals should only be allowed to buy 1000 gallons of gasoline a year, when one reaches that level, your digital wallet will not permit you to buy more, even if you have the money in your account. 

"Because the horror of Communism, Stalinism, is not that bad people do bad things — they always do. It's that good people do horrible things thinking they are doing something great."  Slavoj Žižek

It is that last element, "programable," which gets scarey.  The announcement of a programable CBDC is not some wild conspiracy theory or some far off concept. In March 2022 the Biden White House issued an Executive Order directing the Treasury and Federal Reserve to develop plans for "responsible digital currency." The order called for the "highest urgency!"


"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." Rahm Emanuel

The conversion to a new form of money along with the massive conversion process that such a change over must entail, presents a unique opportunity for governments and economies around the world to restructure their debt. 

Now that it is plain to see that America can neither afford to carry or pay off it's staggering debt, and with higher interest rates that debt threatens to cause another financial crisis worse than the last, the government needs a new plan. The change over to CBDC will provide Treasuries and Central Banks around the world, including the USA Federal Reserve, the opportunity they need to recast (write-down) tens of trillions in Debt. 

We are slaves to debt. We must work to pay credit card debt, student debt and other loans.  It was our choice -- we sold ourselves into slavery. Americans are slaves to nearly 200 trillion dollars in unfunded Federal debt and liabilities.  Our "Master" is the government. 

The "Great Reset," including CBDC, will give the Government much greater control over the people and behavior at the expense of individual freedom. But not to worry -- It is all for the good, Right?  Come'on Man!!

1984 is sooner than we think.