Wednesday, May 11, 2022


The paradox of abortion is that at the time in history when we are most capable ever of addressing this issue we seem to be the most divided and hateful towards the other over it.

Does society at large have any right to control our individual rights? The simple answer is yes.

An unborn child is not a "body part." It's DNA, blood type, nervous system, brain, organs and gender are it's own. It's future and potential are it's own. Even it's AGE is it's own! 

From ancient times a mother was "with" child. 

The only reason there is even such a contentious legal debate over abortion is because there is another life at stake. A life that is protected by the womb.  The womb is the property of the mother. But that does not change the reality of the purpose of the womb to nurture and protect the life inside it, WITHOUT EVEN the conscious effort of the mother. In fact, the womb even protects that life FROM the mother!

At what point is all this so?? I know this -- it is before God designed an unborn child to leave the safety of the mother's womb to establish it's place in the world. 

The womb has only one God given purpose - which is to produce a NEW and separate life. 

Does society have the right to place ANY standards on us and what we do with our bodies? Can society have laws that limit our rights to drugs we put into our body or even to wear a seatbelt? Can it write laws against taking our life? Does a society have the right to pass laws which protect the weak against more powerful people, even from a parent? YES TO ALL. 

What is reasonable to expect of a woman? At what point is it appropriate for the law to require a woman to make a decision by about destroying the life with all it's potential that she is carrying?  Furthermore, it is reasonable for there to be variations or exceptions - such as to save the life of the mother. 

We factor into our laws the recognition that people can make the choice to violate the law.  That is an important point which seems absent from the debate about abortion. If a women or physician does violate an abortion law, what is a reasonable punishment? Could the punishment even be as simple as the knowledge that they have violated the law?? 

We can work this problem out as a society! it won't be to everyone's satisfaction. There are reasonable ways to approach the issue of terminating a pregnancy.  We can only meet someplace in the middle of the extremes!

Science and medical technology has never made is more possible to balance the ethical challenges of unwanted pregnancy!! We do not need to tear society apart over this issue.